Lu Liangwei disclosed three “legendary love stories” and Zhou Haimei was the first (picture) Kwong Meiyun | Zhao Yazhi | Entertainment Circle | Shanghai Bund | Marriage | News Shanghai – Watch China News Network – Overseas Chinese historical secrets, film and television hot discussions | Kaixin

2023-12-28 08:56:00

Lu Liangwei talks regarding the experiences of three “legendary marriages” in his autobiography. (Picture source: Video screenshot) It is forbidden to establish mirror websites on Chinese websites. Return to the genuine Chinese website.

Hong Kong StarLu LiangweiWas in hisautobiographyIn “The Road Is Infinitely Broad”, he reviewed his growth experience since his debut, and also publicly disclosed for the first time his relationship withZhou HaimeiKwong Mei-yunand current wifeYang Xiaojuanlegendlove history,Three sectionsmarriage,A process of twists and turns. It is forbidden to create mirror websites on Chinese websites. Return to the genuine Chinese website.

Comment on Zhao Yazhi: An ideal model for choosing a spouse

In his autobiography, Lu Liangwei recalled that when filming “Shanghai Bund”, he said that the one who impressed him most was the “fairy sister” Zhao Yazhi.

He wrote in the book: “When I first saw her, I mightn’t help but marvel, this girl is so beautiful! It was only during the filming of the scene that I learned that Zhao Yazhi was pregnant. As long as I was around her, I would be very careful. Protect her.”

Later, he learned that for the sake of career and family, Zhao Yazhi resolutely quit the entertainment industry when her acting career was at its peak. At that time, he thought, it would be great if his future wife might be so gentle and virtuous.

and Zhou Haimei: The breakup has nothing to do with the third party

In his autobiography, Lu Liangwei recounted the ins and outs of his acquaintance, love, and breakup with Zhou Haimei.

In 1986, Lu Liangwei played the male lead in the TVB TV series “Island” and Zhou Haimei played his girlfriend in the show. When he first met Zhou Haimei, Lu Liangwei was fascinated by this girl with porcelain doll-like skin and delicate facial features. Then, he took the initiative to pursue her and finally won Zhou Haimei’s heart.

After two years of love, the two decided to get married (in 1988). Considering that both of them were on the rise in their careers, they flew to Las Vegas in the United States and got married secretly. After the marriage, the two were very happy for a time, but because Zhou Haimei concentrated on her acting career, and because she had been favored by her family since she was a child and was not very good at taking care of others, the couple soon had conflicts.

Lu Liangwei said: “We have only been married for two years, and our relationship has become increasingly weak due to quarrels. Finally one day, we sat together with He Qiqi and decided to divorce.”

At that time, it also aroused some media speculation. Because there were rumors that Zhou Haimei and Liming were having an affair, Lu Liangwei punched and kicked Zhou Haimei, and even beat Liming violently. But in the book, Lu Liangwei denies the rumored involvement of the “third party” Li Ming.

Regarding this marriage, he said: “The problem between Haiwei (Zhou Haimei’s nickname) and I is from the inside out. Even if there is no third party, we will break up.” “We didn’t even think regarding hurting each other. It’s only our fault.” We didn’t understand love then.”

With Kwong Mei-yun: That marriage was a mistake

Lu Liangwei revealed in the book that he and Kwong Meiyun entered into a relationship in 1996. Soon following, the two often quarreled over trivial matters, resulting in the marriage only lasting eight months.

He admitted that Kwong Meiyun was a person who was soft on the outside but strong on the inside, and was very independent. However, he did not learn from the failure of his previous marriage. He refused to give in during the quarrel, calling himself a “heartless person”.

Lu Liangwei used a paragraph in the book to explain his lightning marriage with Kuang Meiyun: “I had great expectations for my relationship with Kuang Meiyun at the beginning, but it turned out that everything was just a mistake. The failure of our marriage was not just Just the end of a relationship has completely shattered my original beliefs regarding love and marriage.”

After two failed marriages, Lu Liangwei said to himself, that’s it, never get married once more.

Praise for Yang Xiaojuan: She is a top-notch woman

At a friend’s gathering, Lu Liangwei met Yang Xiaojuan. This beautiful and generous girl made his heart flutter. So, he took the initiative to ask for Yang Xiaojuan’s phone number, but Yang Xiaojuan refused, which aroused his interest even more.

After dating, Lu Liangwei discovered that Yang Xiaojuan was a strong business woman, shrewd and capable. Lu Liangwei finally plucked up the courage and once once more offered the other party a proposal ring. After Yang Xiaojuan accepted it, she did not immediately agree to marry him, saying that she would consider it. Two years later (2001), Yang Xiaojuan finally agreed to the marriage.

Lu Liangwei praised his wife’s virtuousness and thanked her for her tolerance and support for him, saying that she is really a top-notch woman. He said: “What she gave me was not only a warm family, not just a feeling that allowed me to settle down, but also the happiness I wanted.” Especially with his son Shanyang, he always felt I truly have a complete life.

He is full of confidence in this marriage: “We have been together for 23 years now, and we have never blushed. Our son is also very cute. This is the life I want now.”

The most interesting thing is that Lu Liangwei was dating Zhou Haimei at that timeStrictly speaking, Kwong Meiyun was not married. It was only when she went to get divorced that she discovered that it had not been officially registered.

Lu Liangwei said that two failed marriages made him understand that if two people who love each other do not know how to communicate and maintain their relationship, they cannot last long.

Editor in charge: Yitian Source: Look at China

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