Demonstrations and Tensions in the DRC: Government Ban and Opposition Reactions

2023-12-27 12:00:04

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the opposition called for demonstrations this Wednesday, December 27. The government banned the rally. Martin Fayulu had called, with four other candidates, a march to demand the cancellation of the general elections held last week. After tensions this morning, the situation seems to be calming down.

Published on: 12/27/2023 – 1:00 p.m. Modified on: 12/27/2023 – 1:58 p.m.

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With our special correspondent in Kinshasa, Paulina Zidi

The situation suddenly became tense this morning, while around a hundred activists waited in front of the headquarters of the Ecide party (Commitment to Citizenship and Development) to begin their demonstration. “ We had to leave at noon », confirms Martin Fayulu. And shortly before 11 a.m., scuffles began between activists, often very young, and police officers. Stone throwing once morest stun grenades and tear gas. The party headquarters found itself surrounded by the police and there were some arrests.

For an hour, the activists and the police faced each other. Stones were thrown above the entrance to the building before an Ecide official came out, with a white veil. He went to talk to the police. Then the situation suddenly calmed down, the young people came out of the party headquarters, the police retreated, the injured were evacuated.

Since then, part of the security system has been lifted. The head of the Kinshasa police wanted to point out that the demonstration was prohibited and he blamed the organizers, in particular because according to him, there were minors among the demonstrators in front of the HQ. Martin Fayulu, the only one of the candidates who had called for a gathering present on the scene, for his part denounced the use of violence to prevent any demonstration.

Read alsoDRC: the government bans the opposition demonstration planned for December 27

#scuffles #police #supporters #Martin #Fayulu #Kinshasa



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