Robots Of The Ancient World

2023-12-27 08:00:40

(c) Jedediah Hamilton

What does it actually take for complete happiness? 37 minutes and 37 seconds when it comes to Robots Of The Ancient World is possible, because the third album by the men from Portland in the US state of Oregon takes up exactly this season. But that’s not the only reason why the latest prank has the title „3737“ carries – numerological, divine theories also accompany the quintet’s latest prank, which wants to take its mix of stoner, doom and psych to the proverbial extreme.

The wonderfully washed-out, ponderous “Moustache” sums up the spirit of the new long player. Robots Of The Ancient World need some time to get into this track, but this extra dose of patience is worth it twice or threefold. Caleb Weidenbach remains a menacing, ominous presence at the microphone, while the oppressive and at the same time somewhat lingering stoner doom around it boasts small riff details and long instrumental interludes. Only the alienated caesuras and the thoughtful finish give an already good track that certain something.

There are plenty of exciting ideas, with the XXL bouncer “Silver Cloud” skillfully prompting the uprising at just under eleven minutes. What initially seems casual, almost bluesy, goes through several small molts. Dreamy, almost herbaceous psychedelic rock, crazy solos and doomy heaviness in the underbelly put you in a good mood. In comparison, “Holy Ghost” comes across as quite conventional, relies on massive riffs and really moves forward over long stretches – a bit crazy, playful towards the end, but always heavy and nasty. The US quintet can do that well too.

And so Robots Of The Ancient World once once more break free from earthly shackles and gives their music the freedom it needs to fully develop and open up new worlds. Biting elemental force and massive pressure meet subtle nuances and instrumental digressions that are in search of… yes, whatever. “3737” ventures a little further and is a winner – simple and yet so complex. This confusing steam hammer entertains.

Rating: 8/10

Available from: November 17, 2023
Available via: Small Stone Recordings (Cargo Records)


Tags: 3737, doom metal, psychedelic rock, review, robots of the ancient world, stoner rock

Category: Magazin, Reviews

#Robots #Ancient #World



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