Understanding Vitamin D Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

2023-12-26 04:00:00

Fatima Khalil wrote Tuesday, December 26, 2023 06:00 AM

Many people suffer from Vitamin D deficiency Especially during the winter months, vitamin D deficiency is linked to diseases. In this report, we learn regarding the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and the causes of it, according to the obgynal website.

Why do we suffer from vitamin D deficiency?

Many people around the world are deficient in this essential vitamin for a number of reasons.

First: It is difficult to obtain vitamin D through food sources alone. While egg yolks and some fatty fish contain vitamin D, they do not contain enough to provide us with what we need in the long term.

The primary source of these essential nutrients is the sun itself

To prevent vitamin D deficiency, you should be exposed to the sun in moderate amounts, without using sunscreen.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Scientific studies have come to the conclusion that some health problems are a clear sign of low vitamin D. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include:

1. Hair loss

Sometimes, hair falls out during times of stress and other times hair loss is a sign of nutrient deficiency. Low Vitamin D is one such deficiency associated with hair loss.

2. Feeling frustrated and depressed

With the advent of winter and lack of exposure to the sun, the chances of developing seasonal affective disorder or winter depression, which is also linked to vitamin D deficiency, increase.

3. Weight gain

Many studies show that overweight and obese people have low levels of vitamin D and some studies link increased belly fat to vitamin D deficiency.

If you’re looking to lose weight, it’s time to increase your vitamin D intake, either through sun exposure or high-quality supplements.

4. Muscle pain

Evidence shows a strong link between muscle pain and low vitamin D levels. If your child has growing pains, vitamin D supplements may be in order.

5. You lose bone mass

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for bone health. You need enough of it to maintain bone density and integrity as you age.

Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption, as well as bone building. Losing bone mass is a sure sign that you need more vitamin D so get your vitamin D levels checked and start building those bones once more.

#suffer #vitamin #deficiency #winter



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