Guinea’s Fuel Crisis: Government Measures and International Aid to Fill Gasoline and Diesel Shortage

2023-12-26 23:26:00

A week following the explosion of the main fuel depot in Conakry and the visit on Monday December 25 of the president of the transition, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, the State is committed to filling the shortage of gasoline and diesel. Raising the question of the country’s difficult supply, the authorities have stepped up measures: the State has decided to requisition part of the stocks of mining companies.

Published on: 12/27/2023 – 00:26

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Last week, Prime Minister Bernard Goumou affirmed that “ this crisis was going to take time » and described « a tragedy » multi-faceteddue to “ public and private sector services at a standstill ».

The first emergency is the supply of gasoline, the fuel most used by the population, for the transport of people and goods in the country. With the explosion in Kaloum, the price of the trip and the goods that the cars transport increase along with that of fuel.

According to experts, the national daily consumption of gasoline amounts to 2,400 m3 on average. However, a quantity ten times greater went up in smoke during the explosion of the Kaloum depot.

Guinea’s neighbors help to replenish hydrocarbon stocks

Guinea already has calls on his neighbors to replenish stocks across the territory. Sierra Leone, of which Freetown is the closest capital to Conakry, has already delivered around a hundred tanker trucks, while another convoy was on its way to Senegal. Ivory Coast is also expected to follow, having already promised to send the equivalent of 100 million CFA francs worth of fuel.

For diesel, the government will also seek help from abroad, but it first announced the requisition of part of the reserves of mining companies. The activities of the latter mainly revolve around diesel and fuel oil, which is essential to the public company Electricité de Guinée (EDG), the company supplying electricity in the country: it will be supplied as a priority to distribute energy throughout the territory. .

In the meantime, the authorities are working on a lasting solution, to stop fuel price speculation and to get out of gas rationing. This is imposed on individuals and transporters at service stations, vehicles can only fill their tanks to 25 liters, two-wheelers and tricycles a maximum of 5 liters.

« Increase in the price of transport and certain foodstuffs »

Guinean authorities have not fully revealed the details of the plan to be implemented to meet the country’s fuel needs. The State should increase requests for assistance from its neighbors to avoid a socio-economic crisis, according to Mohamed Camara, economist at Mocam Consulting.

“The shortage of gasoline might create an increase in the price of transport, and that of certain foodstuffs,” explains Mohamed Camara, economist at Mocam Consulting

Sidy Yansané

Read alsoIn the news: In Guinea, economic concerns at the center of the celebrations following the tragedy of the Conakry depot

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