Céreq Essentiels – Number 2018/1 – No. 1 – 20 years of professional integration of young people: between permanence and evolution

2018-11-08 23:00:00
Page 9 to 12: Thomas Couppié, Arnaud Dupray, Dominique Epiphane and Virginie Mora – Introduction | Page 15 to 19: José Rose – Professional integration: a debated but robust notion | Page 21 to 31: Gérard Boudesseul, Patrice Caro and Agnès Checcaglini – 20 years of regional developments in integration: mobility, metropolization and regional economic contexts | Page 33 to 39: Claude Minni and Stéphane Jugnot – A few quarters of bad economic conditions at the start are not enough to permanently deteriorate the conditions of integration of young people | Page 41 to 48: Nicolas Farvaque – 20 years of employment policies for young people | Page 51 to 59: Virginie Mora – How have the conditions for integrating young people transformed in 20 years? | Page 63 to 69: Magali Danner, Christine Guégnard and Olivier Joseph – Has the profile of NEETs changed in 20 years? | Page 71 to 77: Christophe Barret and Arnaud Dupray – A contrasting progression of wages in 20 years, a source of reduction in inequalities | Page 79 to 83: Vanessa di Paola and Stéphanie Moullet – Downgrading: a deep-rooted phenomenon | Page 85 to 93: Estelle Bonnet, Zora Mazari and Élise Verley – From “job quality” to young people’s “relationship to work”: paradoxical developments | Page 97 to 102: Dominique Maillard and Pascale Rouaud – “Tomorrow is far away”. Socio-professional transitions of young people without qualifications | Page 103 to 108: Valérie Ilardi and Emmanuel Sulzer – The “professional baccalaureate”. Expansion of audiences and permanence of social functions | Page 109 to 116: Benoit Cart, Alexandre Léné and Marie-Hélène Toutin – Does apprenticeship always promote professional integration? | Page 117 to 124: Catherine Béduwé and Jean-François Giret – Salaried work of students in France | Page 125 to 131: Philippe Lemistre and Boris Ménard – Has educational expansion changed the conditions of integration of higher education graduates? | Page 133 to 138: Julien Calmand – Has the place of the doctorate in the job market changed over the last 20 years? | Page 141 to 149: Thomas Couppié and Dominique Epiphane – Has the gender-integration relationship evolved in 20 years? | Page 151 to 156: Céline Goffette and Louis-André Vallet – Do the professional integration trajectories of young people bear the mark of their socio-economic and cultural origins? | Page 157 to 166: Jean-Luc Primon – What development(s) in the integration of young people from immigrant backgrounds? | Page 167 to 173: Valentine Henrard and Mélanie Vignale – The ZUS, 20 years later: an increasingly significant penalty in access to employment for young people from these neighborhoods | Page 175 to 176: Florence Lefresne – Afterword. Towards a renovation of the Generation survey | Page 177 to 190: Bibliographic references | Page 191 to 193: Glossary.
#Céreq #Essentiels #Number #years #professional #integration #young #people #permanence #evolution

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