2023-12-26 05:00:00
In recent years the rough nights have become more important once more. A look at selected rituals for these very special twelve nights. (Manuela Molk)
FIELD CHURCHES. The twelve nights between Christmas and Epiphany are also called Rauhnächte, whose origin lies in Celtic and Germanic customs and results from the difference in the days in the lunar year (354 days) and in the solar calendar (365 days). To balance this difference, the Celts added eleven more days, which have a very special energy and are very suitable for rituals. The geomancer and graduate engineer in architecture Kristina Grandits presents some of these rituals that make the rough nights a very special time.
Introspection in silence
“The rough night gives us the opportunity to consciously let go of things that are no longer useful and to invite nourishing things into our future lives,” explains Kristina Grandits. “Introspection in silence strengthens the connection to the soul and makes it clear that we humans hold the threads of our fate in our own hands. Rituals help us bring regarding change with simple actions.”
For example, a fire ritual gives us the opportunity to connect with our life’s fire. “You burn what is allowed to go and nourish what calls you,” says the geomancer. You are welcome to write situations and topics on pieces of paper and hand them over to a flame. “You can then consciously connect with the power of fire and ask that the fire of life be strengthened or rekindled.”
Visions spin
Of course, the time of the rough nights is also very suitable for spinning dreams. “You are welcome to write down, paint or even record in a collage what you would like to invite into your life. These can be concrete wishes or feelings that you want for the future,” Grandits continues.
Incense rituals
Smoking also plays an important role at this time. You can smoke incense on all twelve nights as you wish and turn it into a ritual. All you need is an incense bowl, coal, sand and incense herbs such as mugwort or white sage. Then, as you smoke, imagine the smoke removing the negative energy from your home and making room for positive energy once more.
Book tip: Caroline Deiß: Mysterious Rough Nights. Rituals, recipes, smoking instructions for 2021-2023. Published by mvg-Verlag.
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