Wallonia-Brussels Federation: Hydrometry Warnings and Watercourse Pre-Alerts in December 2023

2023-12-25 19:18:00

Several warnings were issued this Sunday evening and Monday, December 25 by the Hydrometry department of the Public Service of Wallonia.

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At the level of the Vesdre, it was specified this Monday morning that “given the risk of relatively heavy precipitation on the Hautes Fagnes plateau in the coming hours, the levels will remain high for the next few days on the Vesdre and its tributaries without, however, reaching alert thresholds according to current weather forecasts”.

On Sunday evening, the levels of the lower Ourthe seemed to have reached the pre-alert thresholds and were expected to gradually stabilize during the night from Sunday to Monday. However, given the risk of relatively heavy precipitation in the Ardennes this Monday and during the coming days, levels will remain high “without however reaching the alert thresholds according to current weather forecasts”, it was specified. Very localized and harmless overflows (meadows, etc.) in the usual places might be observed.

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At Amblève, the pre-alert was already announced this Sunday and, given the significant precipitation on the Hautes Fagnes plateau, the level was also expected to remain high for several days, “without however reaching the alert thresholds according to current weather forecasts”.

Around all these watercourses, it is of course recommended to remain cautious.

On the Our side, on the other hand, near the German border, while the pre-alert threshold was already reached this Sunday, the rains on Monday further increased the flows, causing an effective flood. According to forecasts, the peak flow should be reached early in the morning on December 26, before decreasing and returning below the alert thresholds at the end of the followingnoon.

#Vesdre #Ourthe #Amblève #preflood #alert



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