FPÖ – Hafenecker: “ÖVP-LH Mikl-Leitner engages in political child abandonment and self-accusation” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2023-12-25 08:51:40

The ÖVP brought the eco-Marxist Greens into government, made all the burdens on drivers, commuters and families possible and is sticking to it to maintain power

Vienna (OTS) – “If there is a model for political schizophrenia and child abandonment out of pure desperation, then ÖVP Governor Mikl-Leitner has now delivered it,” commented FPÖ General Secretary and transport spokesman NAbg today. Christian Hafenecker, MA statements by the Lower Austrian governor in the APA interview and recalled: “It was Mikl-Leitner’s ÖVP that brought the eco-communist Greens, including their ideology-driven anti-motorist minister Gewessler, into the federal government and it is the same ÖVP that all the resulting avalanches of burdens, from the senseless CO2 tax to the NoVA increase to the road construction blockade, were made possible in the first place and continue to help maintain their own power. The only political force that is on the side of commuters and families is us libertarians.”

If LH Mikl-Leitner and the ÖVP were actually serious regarding their “powerhouse sayers”, then the party would only have had to agree to liberal proposals in the National Council. “But when it comes to the necessary massive tightening of punishments once morest the ‘climate terrorists’, the abolition of the price-increasing CO2 tax or the end of Minister Gewessler’s arbitrary blockade of important road construction projects, once morest which we free people have submitted a motion for ministerial indictment, the ÖVP continues to blame the Greens Wall – because they are not interested in their own population, but only in staying in power for as long as possible,” said Hafenecker.

Mikl-Leitner’s demands for stricter naturalization rules would also amount to a “political self-accusation of the first order”: “In 2013, she herself was the ÖVP interior minister when the award criteria for acquiring citizenship were weakened and in the catastrophic year of 2015 she was also primarily responsible for the fact that our borders were not protected , but illegal mass immigration with the unfortunate ‘welcome culture’ was applauded. The citizens of the ÖVP have not forgotten that.” As early as next year, the Austrians would have the opportunity to ensure a political change and “to draw a line under the eco-Marxist policy of burdens and to put the necessary stop to the ‘new migration’.” “By using their votes in the National Council election to set the course for an FPÖ-led federal government with a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl, so that our homeland has a future of freedom, security and prosperity once more!” explained the liberal Secretary General.

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