Shiglam International’s First Middle East Store: Zahrat Al Khaleej Exclusive Coverage

2023-12-25 08:18:36

Zahrat Al Khaleej – Shiglam International launches its first store in the Middle East “; }); htmlToAppend += “”; $(“#answers”).html(htmlToAppend); $(‘.question-popup’).removeClass(‘ hide’); $(‘.question-popup’).addClass(‘show’); }, error: function (error) $(‘.ramadan-popup’).addClass(‘hide’); }) ; } }); function mangoguid() function s4() return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1); return s4() + s4 () + ‘-‘ + s4() + ‘-‘ + s4() + ‘-‘ + s4() + ‘-‘ + s4() + s4() + s4(); function getSessionId() var sessionId = window.localStorage.getItem(‘surveySessionId’); if (!sessionId) sessionId = mangoguid(); window.localStorage.setItem(‘surveySessionId’, sessionId); return sessionId; function submitSurvey() { // get the answers var invalid = false; var email = $(“#email”).val(); if (!email) $(“#emailOption”).html(“*”); invalid = true; if (!IsEmail(email)) $(“#emailOption”).html(“*”); invalid = true; if (invalid == false) $(“#emailOption”).html(“”); var answer = $(‘input[name=”OptionId”]:checked’).val();
var idQuestion = $(“#idQuestion”).val();
var idm = $(“#idSurvey”).val();
var userName = $(“#username”).val();
if (!userName)
invalid = true;

if (invalid == true)
return false;

var user = UserName: userName, Email: email ;
var answers = [];
if (answer)
QuestionId: idQuestion,
OptionId: answer,
SurveyId: idSurvey,
User: user
var sessionId = getSessionId();

type: “POST”,
url: JS_RESOURCES.CommunityUrl + ‘/survey/’ + idSurvey + ‘/SubmitPopUpSurvey’,
//url: ‘ + idSurvey + ‘/SubmitPopUpSurvey’,
contentType: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8’,
beforeSend: function (xhr)

xhr.setRequestHeader(‘sessionID’, sessionId);
data: JSON.stringify(answers),
success: function (result)
var active = $(“.ramadan-content > .step-2”);
$(“.ramadan-content > .step-3”).addClass(‘active’);
jQuery(document).find(‘.popup-foot’).removeClass(`step-bg-$active.index()`).addClass(`step-bg-$active.index() + 1`)
//$(‘.info-popup’).find(‘.popup-bg > .form’).addClass(‘hide’);
if (result.success)
//close the popup
var idSurvey = $(“#idSurvey”).val();
createTempCookie(‘mangoSurveyId’, idSurvey);

else if (result.msg === “MaxVotesReached”)

else if (result.msg === “AlreadyVoted”)
$(“#msg”).html(“لقد تم التصويت مسبقا”);

error: function (error)
//alert(“something went wrong”);



//$(‘input[type=”checkbox”]’).click(function ()
// if ($(this).prop(“checked”) == true)
// console.log(“Checkbox is checked.”);
// var idSurvey = $(“#idSurvey”).val();
// createTempCookie(‘mangoSurveyId’, idSurvey);
// else if ($(this).prop(“checked”) == false)
// deleteCookie(‘mangoSurveyId’);
// console.log(“Checkbox is unchecked.”);

function SetCookieDontShow()
var idSurvey = $(“#idSurvey”).val();
createTempCookie(‘mangoSurveyId’, idSurvey);

function createTempCookie(name, value)

document.cookie = name + “=” + value + “;path=/;samesite=strict;”;

function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + “=”;
var ca = document.cookie.split(‘;’);
for (var i = 0; i


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#Zahrat #Khaleej #Shiglam #International #launches #store #Middle #East



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