Nasui presents the “Christmas of a luxury budget”: What salary and bonuses, including on Researcher’s Day, does a head of a research institute have / Găman: We are not budgeters and I have colleagues with higher salaries

2023-12-22 14:15:00

​”You just didn’t think that only ASF celebrates its day with extra salaries on “ASF Day”, USR deputy Claudiu Năsui writes on Friday, presenting what salaries and bonuses, including on “Researcher’s Day” George Artur received, 2 years ago Găman, general director of the Research Institute for Mining Security (INSEMEX), former vice-president of PSD Petroșani. Contacted by, Găman defends himself by claiming that he is not a budget officer and that he has better paid colleagues.

George Gaman, head of INSEMEXPhoto: Inquam Photos / Mircea Manole

The USR deputy, Claudiu Năsui, announced on Friday that, after 2 years, he won another lawsuit for the declassification of state salaries.

Because the process lasted 2 years, the data presented by the deputy Claudiu Năsui are related to the year 2021 and show that in addition to the gross salary of 17,000 lei (cc. 10,000 net at the level of 2021), he also receives “a seniority bonus of 4,250 lei/ month, management allowance 2,550 lei/month, doctorate allowance other 2,550 lei/month, council allowance 3,400 lei/month, per diem, meal vouchers and gift vouchers. In total it reaches 30,000 lei/month.”

30,000 lei per month gross means over 17,550 lei net, but Năsui shows that during this year he also collected other bonuses, such as one of 25,000 lei for “Researcher’s Day”, which made the gross income rise to 55,000 lei in that month.

Moreover, at Easter, he collected a “co-interest fund” of another 55,000 lei, reaching a gross income of 85,000 lei in that month.

Năsui also warns that the general director of INSEMEX has never submitted asset declarations in the last 7 years and no one from ANI bothered him with anything, the last asset declaration being from 2016, when he was vice president of PSD Petroșani.

George Găman: We do not receive money from the budget and I have colleagues with higher salaries

Contacted by, George Artur Găman, the general director of the National Research Institute for Mining Security and Anti-Explosive Protection (INSEMEX), stated that the institute does not receive money from the budget.

  • “I don’t know if my income is unusual or not. The important thing to remember is that we are not budgeters. The income we make is from our own sources and perhaps more importantly, I have colleagues who have higher salaries than me.
  • We are an institute with full state capital, but we do not receive money from the budget.
  • We make all the income from our own sources from research projects that we win at competitions where not only institutes, but also commercial companies participate, and also from contracts with economic agents who call on our expertise in the specific field.”, George Gaman told
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He confirmed that the “Researcher’s Day” award is still given.

  • “If we make our income, the “Researcher’s Day” premium is included in the salary fund. We have net profits of around one million euros annually. Salary income is higher now than in 2021 because we are on an upward trend.”, said Gaman.

Why didn’t he publish his declarations of assets and interests for 7 years?

  • “Because we are not civil servants and from our point of view we believe that the law in question does not apply to us”, the head of the Institute also said.

A CV of George Găman can be viewed here.

Salaries and bonuses from the ASF, revealed by Năsui last month, also at the end of a court case

We remind you that in October of this year, the USR deputy made public the Labor Collective contract from ASF, after definitively winning the case with this authority, led by Nicu Marcu, for the refusal to communicate the incomes and premiums they grant.

485 employees of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) received a performance bonus this year for the activity from 2022, when the former leader RCA City Insurance went bankrupt and all 513 employees received a bonus on ASF Day, he said on Wednesday for USR deputy Claudiu Năsui. “The lowest paid employee receives a minimum of 7,000 net lei on ASF Day,” he says.

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