2023-12-23 23:51:31
These objectives are worked on in various areas: health, food, human development, sports and cultural outreach.
Under this banner, and during the 2023 term, led by Rector Nidia Guzmán Durán, hard work has been done on the Construction of the University for Development and Good Living. Thus, these were some of the significant progress processes, this year, within the framework of this institutional axis:
Socioeconomic studies
Here the restaurant service that the University continues to provide to its students stands out. During the year, there were a total of 588,585 rations delivered to the entire student community, with which 12,484 students benefited. In the city of Neiva, the number of rations delivered was 446,259, with which 9,277 students benefited; in the municipality of La Plata, 57,887 rations for 993 students; Garzón, 38,796 for 892 students; and in Pitalito, 45,643 for 1,322 students. In this way, USCO continues to be one of the 5 universities in the country, with a university food subsidy.
In this sense, it is worth mentioning that the Central Administration of the USCO made an investment of 180 million pesos from Pro Estampilla Universidad Nacional and Universidad Departamento del Huila resources, corresponding to the percentage of the Neiva headquarters, to intervene in the Restaurant ‘La Venada’ .
Within the framework of the Bici USCO program, this year 50 students had the possibility of borrowing bicycles on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, as they preferred; Likewise, within the framework of the USCO Tablet program, 678 students had access to these technological devices. Next year, the number of bicycles at the service of students will reach 200, of which 120 will be in Neiva, and the rest in the regional headquarters.
In the health area, a total of 6,766 students benefited from medical services; in the dental service, 7,466 students; In the psychological service, 2,419 students had entrance exams, 1,573 had consultations, and 16,039 benefited from P&P activities.
This year, USCO was the epicenter of the ASCUNDAF Zonal University Games, with the participation of 16 universities that belong to the central node. In addition, the number of athletes classified for the Ascundaf national university games was expanded; going from 120 athletes classified in 2022 to 140 in 2023.
It should also be noted that through the intermediation of the Ministry of Sports, the MEN, Fecode and the ADIH, the Surcolombiana University had an investment of $9,500,000 for sports equipment; and $1,062,000 for repairs in the basketball area.
Human development
In this area, we must highlight the attention to the disabled population, especially the Individual Plans for Reasonable Adjustments, PIAR: group meetings between tutor, guardian, program manager, faculty psychologist, students and teachers of the area in which they present difficulty, to support them and look for alternative solutions. Currently, at the national level, USCO is a pioneer in this type of activities. This year, 20 PIARs were carried out; that is, 20 students with disabilities out of the 40 linked to the Institution.
On the other hand, it is highlighted that this year a total of 12,557 students benefited from the Youth in Action Program.
Cultural extension
The presence of Cultural Extension in the university community has always been transversal to all its processes. In this way, the presence of its different artistic groups was latent in a good part of its academic, protocol, cultural, and training activities. To this extent, during the course of this year the Rajaleñas Departmental Meeting stood out, in the 62nd National Bambuco Festival; participation in the Dance Meeting “Uniting Borders: a dream called Killari”, in the city of Cali; and the continuity of the “¼ for art” project, in which every Thursday of each week a wide range of cultural activities were offered to the university community.