Quebec Sectoral Labor Agreements: Updates and Progress

2023-12-24 02:13:35

Several sectoral agreements of principle were concluded Saturday evening in connection with the labor conflict between the Common Front and the government.

First, the Federation of Education Professionals of Quebec, the FPPE (CSQ) obtained a proposal for a global regulation at its sectoral table.

• Read also: Public sector negotiations: the FSSS-CSN reaches an agreement in principle with the government

• Read also: Quebec and the Common Front cling to the idea of ​​an agreement by Christmas

The union, which represents 58 school service centers, will now submit this proposal to its Federal Council on December 27.

If this body accepts the proposal, it will therefore become an agreement in principle and can be presented to the members of the FPPE.

Negotiations had intensified in recent days between the union and the Employer Negotiating Committee for French-speaking school service centers.

The proposal targets the sectoral working conditions of professional staff in 58 school service centers across Quebec. The federation represents 19 unions with around 12,500 members, including engineers, analysts, educational advisors, librarians, psychologists, psychoeducators, speech therapists, remedial education specialists and guidance counselors.

The FPPE also ensures that negotiations are continuing for the collective agreements of its members of the English, Cree and Kativik school boards.

Finally, the union mentions that the problem still remains in terms of the issues at the central table.

“Salary issues must be resolved in order to avoid an unlimited general strike by the Common Front at the start of 2024,” asserts the FPPE (CSQ).

Sectoral agreement in principle for the FPPC

For its part, the Federation of Professional College Personnel (FPPC) also announced that the delegates of its 38 unions have approved a sectoral agreement in principle.

“So we’re halfway there. Now, we must recognize the value of our work in a global agreement,” proclaims the union group.

Insurance, wages, retirement, regional disparities and parental rights are among the issues on which the government and unions still do not agree.

Hypothesis of agreement in principle for the FEESP-CSN

For its part, the negotiating committee of the FEESP-CSN School Sector (Federation of Public Service Employees) also reached “a hypothesis of agreement in principle with the Employer Negotiating Committee for French-speaking school service centers (CPNCF) and the Employer Negotiating Committee for English-speaking school boards (CPNCA) on sectoral matters affecting the working conditions of school support staff,” affirmed the FEESP-CSN on Facebook Saturday evening.

The hypothesis must still be presented to union delegates.

The FEESP-CSN also wanted to point out that the issues at the central table were still up for discussion, particularly salary issues, to avoid an unlimited general strike in 2024.

General meetings will be held when an agreement has been reached.

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