I Drank Celery Juice for 7 Days and Here’s What Happened – No Juicer Needed!

2023-12-19 15:10:49

In a captivating YouTube video, one person shared their personal experience of consuming celery juice daily. Motivated by curiosity and a desire to explore the potential health benefits, she set out to drink celery juice every morning for a week. This article summarizes his journey and the positive effects observed.

Every morning, she used a whole organic celery stalk to prepare her juice. After washing and cutting it, she mixed it with a little water in a blender, then passed the mixture through a vegetable milk bag to extract the juice. This method does not require a juice extractor and is quite simple to do.

Daily Experience and Health Benefits

Jour 1

From the first day, she was surprised by the salty taste of the juice. After consuming it, she felt an intense laxative effect, suggesting a powerful detoxifying effect of celery juice.

Jour 2

The taste became more tolerable. She also noticed the growing popularity of celery, which is often out of stock in stores.

Jour 3

She noticed the appearance of spots, interpreted as a detoxification reaction of the skin.

She also noticed changes in her bowel habits, with softer stools and more dynamic intestinal peristalsis (muscle contractions that ensure the movement of food through the digestive tract).

She also found that she craved sweets less, indicating a stabilizing effect on blood sugar levels.

Jour 4

She felt a noticeable improvement in her energy and digestion, signs that her body was beginning to adapt to the celery juice.

Jour 5

The appearance of new spots continued, which she took as a positive sign of detoxification.

Day 6 and beyond

Her experience with celery juice was generally positive. She noticed a significant improvement in her digestion and a reduction in cravings for sweets. Additionally, following an initial period of detoxification, she noticed an improvement in her skin’s condition, with reduced breakouts and clearer, healthier-looking skin.

Health benefits of celery

Celery is one of the most nutritious vegetables we can eat, as it is a rich source of magnesium, potassium and vitamins C, A, B and K. It is also rich in phytonutrients, which act as anti-aging agents. -powerful inflammatory and antioxidants, strengthens the immune system, stimulates intracellular communication and repairs damage caused to DNA by toxins.

Selon Jillian Levy, CHHC:

“Fresh celery benefits nutrition with all the great vitamins and minerals it contains. One cup of chopped raw celery (regarding 100 grams) contains approximately:

16,2 calories3.5 grams of carbohydrates0.7 grams of protein0.2 grams of fat1.6 grams of fiber29.6 micrograms of vitamin K (37% AQ)453 international units (9% AQ)36.5 micrograms folate (9% AQ)263 milligrams of potassium (8% AQ)3.1 milligrams of vitamin C (5% AQ)0.1 milligrams of manganese (5% AQ)0.1 milligram vitamin B6 (4% AQ)40.4 mg of calcium (4% AQ)0.1 milligram riboflavin (3% AQ)11.1 milligrams of magnesium (3% AQ)

Celery also contains vitamin E, niacin, pantothenic acid, iron, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. »

Researchers have confirmed the many health benefits of celery:

Celery treats and prevents chronic inflammation It regulates the pH balance of the body it contributes to weight loss, as it is low in calories but high in fiber Celery aids digestion and treats stomach problems and constipation It contains 96 % water, so it hydrates the bodyIt reduces the risk of gastritis and gastric ulcersIt treats urinary tract infections because it has powerful diuretic properties.It soothes the nervous system and helps you fall asleepIt regulates cholesterol and blood pressure. blood pressure, because it contains phthalideIt is low in acids and relieves heartburn and acid refluxCelery is rich in vitamin A, so it improves vision, cures dry eyes and protects the cornea.It acts as an aphrodisiac natural because it is rich in male pheromones, androstenol and androsterone. It increases the levels of the hormone aldosterone and thus improves male fertility and sperm count. It can clean your teeth like natural dental floss because it breaks into fibrous strands when chewing.

You can enjoy the incredible taste and many benefits of this vegetable in many ways. You can add it to your soups, stir-fries, salads, stews and dressings or dip it in sesame puree, sauces or hummus.

#Drank #Celery #Juice #Days #Heres #Happened #Juicer #Needed



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