Family Reunion Turned Stabbing Incident: Tournai Criminal Court Case

2023-12-23 11:02:00

A family reunion that turns into an argument is deja vu, but few of them end in stabbings.

A brother and his sister were called to appear before the Tournai criminal court for stabbing each other. Only the woman appeared at the hearing. She explains: “we were at my father’s house. My brother grabbed my phone and wouldn’t give it back to me. He got angry and strangled me. I went to the kitchen to grab the knife to defend myself. “The rest is relatively vague. The defendant specifies that she was under the influence of drugs and that her brother was heavily intoxicated.

According to interviews conducted by the police, it was the father of these two adults who took the knife from his daughter to stop the mutual struggle.

As the man did not appear, the public prosecutor requested a sentence of ten months by default. For Madam, thirteen months of probationary suspension are requested so that she can cure her addictions.

Given that the latter claims to have stopped using hard drugs but cannot do without cannabis, she requested, under the advice of the president of the court, a simple reprieve.

The judgment will take place on January 18.

#Blood #flows #family #argument #man #sister #settle #scores #knives



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