Maximize Your Luck: Attract Love and Prosperity in 2024 with Chinese Horoscope Rituals and Colors

2023-12-23 08:01:00

We are in the final stretch of the year, where we all already have our sights set on the 2024 with all the energy and good luck that it can bring us; However, by putting all the effort in the future, many people forget regarding other moments in which they can also make the prosperitymoney and even amor come into our lives.

The clear example is the Dec. 24 what in vespers from Christmas It has an energy portal that should not be wasted and that is that beyond what the stars have destined for us for this season, we must also pay attention to other currents that make us emerge victorious from 2023 and reach 2024 with the best of the lucks This at least happens with the Chinese horoscope that next year will have its grand arrival with the wooden dragon which is already worth talking regarding.

Keep reading:

Using sugar water: the ritual to attract success, money and prosperity in 2024

Horoscope Saturday: luck and fortune predictions for the 6 most powerful signs of the zodiac

Remember that good luck does not only come with amulets. (Photo: Pexels)

Chinese dragon: what colors to wear on December 24 to attract love and prosperity

The first thing you should know is that this Dec. 24 you must call dragon and thus secure your fortune for 2024, well according to astrologer Fer Islas Mítikathis animal of the Chinese horoscope is related to the amor and the prosperity. That is why he shared the colors that should be used on Christmas Eve, to attract these two aspects to our lives and thus conquer the New Year.

According to what the expert said, those who seek attract love to their lives in 2024 they must use the green color; while those who want to ensure the prosperitythey should not leave out of their looks, red tones brighter and more vibrant. However, it is also important to note that the color negro in their underwear will give them extra luck.

“For the 24th (December) use green and the green can be apple green, flag, the green you want, but that does not look like turquoise, that is far from turquoise,” explained the also tiktoker. On the other hand, she added that for December 31 you should wear “the reddest thing you can wear,” but wear black underwear.”

Take advantage of the energy until next December 31! (Photo: Pexels)

What year is 2024 Chinese?

For a few weeks now it has begun to attract attention that, according to chinese astrologythe animal that will dominate 2024 will be the wooden dragon. Therefore, good luck is expected for everyone, but also some important changes that should not go unnoticed. Regarding this, Fer Islas Mítika commented:

“Next year is a year of the dragon, the green dragon is known, it is made of wood. For the Chinese, the dragon is a blessed year, of good fortune, of very important changes, of positioning and only those who do things very badly , they are going to do very badly. This next dragon brings us the combination of fire energy and has green energy because it is made of wood.

#colors #December #attract #love #prosperity #Chinese #dragon



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