2023-12-23 11:41:26
Toulouse. Discover LuneXplorer at the Cité de l’espace
The Cité de l’espace has put together a whole program for the Christmas holidays: activities for all ages and all curious people. And of course we can discover the new thing, the LuneXplorer to experience each stage of a mission to the Moon like an astronaut.
The LuneXplorer is a unique experience in Europe which allows you to put yourself in the shoes of an astronaut on a mission to the Moon and to feel the acceleration phases of takeoff and the moon landing.
During a space mission you have to prepare, train, carry out your flight and your mission. This realistic 40-minute experience is part of the space news of the coming decades with the return of astronauts to and on the Moon, through the Artemis program, a NASA mission with the participation of ESA, the European space agency.
Put yourself in the shoes of an astronaut
The LuneXplorer was produced and financed by Toulouse Métropole with the support of FEDER React-EU, the Cité de l’espace, the Occitanie/Pyrénées-M Méditerranée region with the participation of ESA and CNES
LuneXplorer is included in the price of entry to the Cité de l’espace
Cité de l’espace avenue Jean Gonord in Toulouse / Online ticketing: here
Free tour application to download from the web: Ma Cité de l’espace.
Previous articleToulouse. A frosty Christmas at the Halle de la Machine
#Toulouse #Discover #LuneXplorer #Cité #lespace