United Daily News: COP28 Resolution and Global Climate Summit Updates

2023-12-23 01:00:00

2023-12-23 09:00 United Daily News/Compiled by Zhang Yousheng

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COP28 was chosen to be held in Dubai, which caused criticism from the beginning. The United Arab Emirates is a major oil-producing country, and COP28 Chairman Jaber is the CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. This combination was ridiculed as “asking a ghost to get the medicine bill”, but in the end, it was able to hand over fossils for the first time in the history of the United Nations Climate Summit. Resolution text on the future of fuel.

Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries want to safeguard their national interests, but also do not want to be accused of undermining the global fight against warming, so they try every means to carefully consider every word in the resolution. This highlights the high respect that countries have for the effectiveness of their commitments once they are written in black and white.

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