Ludivine Dedonder: Defense, Politics, and Personal Marketing – A Controversial Video

2023-12-22 11:57:00
Ludivine Dedonder, an iron hand and glove at Defense

This humorous sequence did not make Denis Ducarme laugh. He wanted to react in La Libre and announced political consequences to this affair. “The problem is not the tone of the clip but the mobilization of Defense resources to produce it,” he says. I am scandalized by this video. We mobilized human, logistical and financial resources for an operation that resembles Ludivine Dedonder’s personal marketing. I have already tabled a question on this subject in parliament so that the minister is accountable for what this operation cost. I want to know how many soldiers were mobilized, what equipment was used in this clip.”

Denis Ducarme: “When I see how the left is evolving, it worries me”

“War is not cinema”

Another point that annoys the liberal: the use of army professionals to act. “War is not cinema. There is war 2000 km away and it is making the military and a very high ranking officer act out. This is unacceptable. If the cruise is fun for Ludivine Dedonder, at the MR, it is no longer fun for us at all… I promise the minister a few difficult hours in committee. There has been a lot of talk regarding personal logos on letters (Denis Ducarme refers to the “logogate” which caused the resignation of environmentalist Sarah Schlitz, Editor’s note). But here it goes much further. We are diverting Defense resources for personal marketing.”


If the cruise is fun for Ludivine Dedonder, at the MR, it no longer amuses us at all… I promise the minister a few difficult hours in committee.”

To support the idea that this video is free for the Minister of Defense, Denis Ducarme insists on the fact that the socialist concludes her intervention by inviting a “port rudder”, that is to say say left. “This is political marketing, what can it mean other than an invitation to support the left? This is unacceptable. When we know the bill for this clip, fundamental questions will have to be asked.”

The Dedonder cabinet reacts: no public money spent

The minister’s spokesperson reacted to these attacks from the MR. “We expected criticism… We also specified in the comments below the video that the filming of the clip had been integrated into an exercise already planned by the patrol boat. Criticisms regarding the public money that would have been spent are not fair! This video is part of an assumed and desired communication project. We have had a lot of positive feedback. It’s always the same people who criticize (the MR, Editor’s note). No one was forced to participate in the filming. Whoever plays Santa is a crew member who wanted to do it, who agreed.”

#Denis #Ducarme #denounces #video #Ludivine #Dedonder #Minister #Defense #operation #resembles #personal #marketing

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