Official Statement: Zakhar Prilepin’s Views vs Russia’s Position on Migrant Workers

2023-12-21 17:32:28

The statements of the writer and co-chairman of the party “A Just Russia – For Truth” Zakhar Prilepin are his personal opinion. His words do not even remotely reflect Russia’s official position. About this on Thursday, December 21, stated official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

“Attracting labor resources from abroad, primarily from friendly countries, meets the interests of both Russia and the states that export such services,” Zakharova said in a statement.

The representative of the department also clarified that Russia and Uzbekistan are linked by relations of comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance. “And this is not just a beautiful phrase,” Zakharova added.

The day before, it became known that the Russian Ambassador to Uzbekistan Oleg Malginov was summoned to the country’s Foreign Ministry and “in a principled manner” they conveyed to him concerns regarding the words of Zakhar Prilepin.

Previously in telegram channels spread video with Zakhar Prilepin. On it, the writer says that he considers it necessary to annex the countries “from where migrant workers come to us.” He also mentioned Uzbekistan.

#Zakhar #Prilepin #Uzbekistan #December



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