2023-12-21 11:45:00
He infatuation It is a feeling that arises at the beginning of a relationship, however, with the passage of time, it decreases, and this is because it is a cerebral issue. However, there are things that couples do to maintain a engagement full of amor y happinesssince they are activities and habits that are done to build a prosperous and successful relationship.
Although each relationship is very different from each other, there are a series of factors that make them successful. The courtships solids, durable y healthy They have developed a series of gestures and habits that show that their closeness, complicity and of course, their love for each other, is very strong. In addition, some practices also encourage them to feel happy and safe with a person, so they want to stay together.
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How do I know if I have a stable relationship?
There are many indicators as to whether you have a stable relationship and safe, one of the main mutual respectnot only to the personabut also to their interestsyour loved ones, your work and independence. Remember that if you see some “red flags“In your partner, it is best to leave that relationship, or if there is already a case of violence, ask for help from people close to you or authorities.
5 things that happy couples in love do
It is important to have intimacy to have a happy relationship Photo: Special
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