8 key facts about the herpes zoster virus and the shingles vaccination: Important information for everyone

2023-12-21 02:09:33

Itchy rash, painful blisters: The herpes zoster virus causes shingles. But there is a vaccination. All information at a glance.

Viral diseases make life difficult for people. But it’s not just the coronavirus and other seasonal viral diseases that are spreading, shingles is also a viral disease that can be dangerous. At least there is an effective vaccination. In this article you will find answers to all important questions regarding shingles.

Herpes zoster: what is shingles?

Shingles is a painful skin rash with a belt-like spread of blisters. The causative agent of the disease is the varicella zoster virus (VZV), which causes two diseases: in addition to shingles, medically known as herpes zoster, also chickenpox. Most people usually become infected with the latter in childhood. Once the illness has been overcome, the viruses remain in the body and lie dormant there. Many years later – usually in old age, when the body’s immune system weakens – they can become active once more and cause shingles.

Who can get shingles?

The Robert Koch Institute assumes thisthat every second person who reaches the age of 85 will develop herpes zoster at some point in their lifespan. The disease occurs in all age groups, with people over 50 most commonly affected. People with a weakened immune system are at increased risk of developing herpes zoster. According to studies by the RKI, significantly more than 300,000 people in Germany develop shingles every year.

Shingles infection: How is it transmitted?

There are two ways to become infected with the shingles-causing VZV. The first is contact with a person suffering from chickenpox. The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) calls chickenpox “very contagious” and writes: “Almost every person who has not had chickenpox will become ill themselves if they come into contact with a person with chickenpox.” VZV is usually transmitted through coughing and sneezing, i.e. via a droplet infection. But the fluid from the chickenpox blisters is also contagious, which can lead to smear infections.

Contact with a person suffering from shingles as a second possibility of infection is less contagious. There is no risk of droplet infection here. However, the RKI warns: “However, the herpes zoster blisters contain the varicella zoster virus and are therefore infectious.” Anyone who becomes infected with VZV will initially get chickenpox. Anyone who has ever had chickenpox is at risk of developing shingles.

Can you get shingles multiple times?

Anyone who has had herpes zoster is relatively safe. It usually only occurs once, writes the RKI. But: “Recurring illnesses are occasionally possible.” According to the RKI, the probability that the disease will break out once more increases from just under two percent following two years to around six percent following eight years in people without immune deficiency.

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What symptoms does shingles cause?

There are numerous symptoms of herpes zoster. days before the rash is visible according to the professional association of German internists (BDI) the following symptoms already occur:

  • Burning, drilling or cutting pain when touching the skin
  • Itching, tingling
  • Touch sensitivity
  • Fever
  • Feeling sick and exhausted

Acute skin symptoms often appear within a week of the onset of pain:

  • reddish rashes (spots, papules)
  • fluid-filled blisters

The painful blisters often form in small groups, in a belt-like band. According to the BZgA, they usually occur on the torso or head and usually only on one half of the body. Depending on which part of the face and body is affected, facial paralysis, dizziness and hearing problems, conjunctivitis and visual disturbances can occur.

According to BDI estimates, shingles heals in a similar way to chickenpox following two to four weeks if the disease progresses normally. However, complications can occur in immunocompromised people such as cancer patients, AIDS patients or organ transplant recipients. The viruses can then spread uncontrollably and cause life-threatening illnesses that also affect organs such as the brain, lungs and liver.

Diagnosis: How is shingles recognized?

“People who suspect shingles should seek medical attention immediately,” it says medical lexicon MSD Manual to the disease. To make the diagnosis, the doctor examines the painful area. Pain in an unclear stripe on one side of the body suggests shingles. The dictionary writes: “When characteristic blisters appear in the typical pattern (on a strip of skin representing a dermatome), the diagnosis is clear.”

In rare cases, if the doctor is unsure, the fluid in the reddened blisters can be examined in the laboratory via an analysis or biopsy. In the event of an infection, VSV can be detected there without a doubt.

Shingles treatment: medications and care

Antiviral medications such as Aciclovier can stop the varicella-zoster virus from multiplying and speed up healing. They work particularly well if they are administered early – which is another reason why you should seek medical help quickly if you suspect shingles. The BDI recommends“It is best to start therapy within 72 hours of the appearance of the skin changes or as long as fresh blisters are still present.”

If shingles has broken out, the symptoms can also be treated. After all, the symptoms and side effects can be alleviated and complications can be prevented at the same time. According to the RKI, “bacterial superinfections” of injured skin should be avoided in particular. This can be achieved through careful skin care such as daily bathing, topical dressings and taking anti-itch medications. Painkillers can also be given to ease the suffering.

Shingles vaccination: Can you get vaccinated?

There are two ways to prevent shingles disease. First of all, a vaccination once morest chickenpox is advisable: Since August 2004, the varicella vaccination has been recommended for all children and adolescents by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO). According to the current recommendations from STIKO The first dose of the vaccination should be given at the age of eleven months, followed by booster vaccinations.

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Against herpes zoster itself, STIKO recommends vaccination with an inactivated vaccine to prevent shingles and long-lasting nerve pain (post-herpetic neuralgia). The recommendation applies to the following groups of people:

  • all people aged 60 and over
  • all people aged 50 and over whose immune system is weakened (e.g. due to illness, following a bone marrow or organ transplant, during immunosuppressive therapy)
  • all people aged 50 and over with a serious underlying disease (e.g. chronic diseases of the lungs (COPD), kidneys or intestines, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus or diabetes)

The vaccination consists of two doses, which are administered at least two to a maximum of six months apart.

According to the RKI, the effectiveness of the inactivated herpes zoster vaccine was examined in two randomized clinical trials. The effective protection once morest shingles for people aged 50 and over is 92 percent. Even for people over 70, the vaccination still provides 90 percent protection. There was no signal for serious side effects or the occurrence of autoimmune diseases in the approval studies. The vaccine is therefore considered safe.

Further information regarding the shingles vaccination in adults can be found at Information page of the Federal Center for Health Education. And that too RKI provides numerous answers to frequently asked questions regarding shingles and vaccination.

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