Venezuela Releases Imprisoned Trade Unionists and Alex Saab After US Agreement – Latest Updates and Analysis

2023-12-20 17:27:21

The government of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro this Wednesday released six imprisoned trade unionists who had been sentenced to 16 years in prison accused of conspiracy.

The announcement comes following the agreement reached with the United States for the release of Colombian-Venezuelan businessman Álex Saab, detained in a Miami prison following being extradited from Cape Verde.

These are Alcides Bracho, Alonso Meléndez, Emilio Negrín, Gabriel Blanco, Néstor Astudillo and Reynaldo Cortes, who had been sentenced to prison for the crimes of conspiracy and association to commit a crime.

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The six were arrested following participating in protests calling for better salary conditions in Venezuela and, according to the organization Provea, they were being held in La Yaguara, Caracas.

Following the Barbados agreements, in which the opposition and Chavismo agreed to advance in holding free elections in 2024, the United States announced a partial lifting of sanctions once morest Venezuela in exchange for the release of American prisoners and the qualification of opposition candidates. like María Corina Machado.

Washington had given Venezuela November 30 as the deadline to release the detainees and qualify the candidates. That same day, Caracas announced an agreement to allow those disqualified by justice to file an appeal before the TSJ to review their sanction.

The release of the prisoners, however, was delayed until this month. And this Wednesday the release of Álex Saab was made official.

The liberated

Alcides Bracho: Plastic artist and teacher. Unionist in the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers (FVM). He was arrested in a raid.

Emilio Negrín: President of the Federation of Court Workers and member of the National Trade Union Coalition. He was detained at his house on the outskirts of the capital.

Gabriel Blanco: Director of communication of the Caracas Section of the Workers’ Union of the Independent Trade Union Association (ASI) and director of the Union of Officials of the National Assembly. He was arrested in his home in Caracas and accused of terrorism and criminal association.

Reynaldo Cortés: Principal Delegate of the Regional Council of Workers of the Confederation of Workers of Venezuela (CTV) in the state of Guárico.

Cortés was arrested on July 7, 2022 in said entity, accused of seizing 120 rifles in an assault on the Caribay Fort in Mérida, along with five Red Flag militants, to supposedly kidnap the family of Tareck El Aissami.

Néstor Astudillo: is an activist and trade unionist who leads the Bandera Roja political party in the state of Miranda. He was arrested along with union leader Gabriel Blanco and accused of “criminal association” and “conspiracy.”

Alonso Meléndez: Activist and militant unionist of the Bandera Roja political party in Falcón. Before being arrested, he was pursuing a master’s degree in Public Management at the Francisco De Miranda National Experimental University.




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