The Love Story of Camila Homs and José Sosa: Unbreakable Bonds and Contrasting Rumors

2023-12-20 15:14:08

Cami Homs and José ‘the Little Prince’ Sosa appear increasingly complicit and in love. Far from the scandals and the strong statements of Carolina Alurralde, the footballer’s ex-partner, both once again demonstrated their unconditional support on social networks.

During noon this Tuesday, Homs and Sosa enjoyed a romantic lunch. First, it was Camila who, after sharing some images of the food, published a tender photo with her boyfriend. Swapping it, she commented on her selfie with a white heart emoji.

Read also: The romantic photo of Camila Homs and José Sosa that sparked marriage rumors

Hours later, the footballer did the same: he shared another selfie. “How beautiful you are,” he commented to her along with a heart on fire emoji. “You,” she responded in the same vein.

Cami Homs and José Sosa appear complicit and in love online. (Photo: Instagram /camihoms)

In this way, they made it clear that they do not care about the versions and rumors that circulate around them.

The strong audios of José Sosa’s ex against Camila Homs for having criticized her as a mother

In the last hours, Carolina Alurralde, the ex-partner of José “The Little Prince” Sosa, struck down Camila Homs. The conflict broke out after Yanina Latorre assured that she did not take care of her daughters, the result of her relationship with the soccer player.

In dialogue with Juan Etchegoyen, on the air of Miter Live, Alurralde made a forceful defense. “He talked about me on TV and radio saying that I didn’t take care of my daughters, that I abandoned them because I had mental and drug problems. You are an idiot who lies… Camila Homs must have gotten it from this girl. If not, where does she get it from? “I’m with the girls,” the journalist read about the messages from the soccer player’s ex.

The ex of the Little Prince Sosa targeted Camila Homs for the rumors regarding her motherhood: “They lie” (Photo: Instagram /caro.alurralde /camihoms)

The audios of the ex of the Little Prince Sosa against Camila Homs

Immediately afterwards, he aired the audios that Alurralde sent him to clarify the points. “In addition to saying nonsense, let him take care of his life. I separated because they gave me a lot of shit, they shamefully screwed her and she continues her life as if nothing had happened. Speaking of crazy things, let her be aware of her madness, keep her mouth shut and stop saying boludec…,” she said angrily.

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Regarding his relationship with the girls, he noted: “I never had problems with my daughters and if they were with their father it seems perfect to me. Camila separated, got divorced, made a tremendous mess of a lot of money, and the father doesn’t see his children because they live in two different countries, so don’t let anyone come and talk about me…”

“For me it is important that it be known that I am with my daughters. And above all things, ultimately it is a disease and it can be cured. The other one doesn’t heal. And above all things, I let my daughters’ father see his daughters and not on the other side,” she stated.

#response #Cami #Homs #José #Sosa #strong #statements #footballers

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