Progress towards observing the Cosmic Dawn with the NenuFAR radio telescope – Paris Observatory – PSL

2023-12-20 12:19:31

The NenuFAR Cosmic Dawn project has recently made progress in exploring the Cosmic Dawn using the 21cm transition line from neutral hydrogen. A recent study [1], analyzing a night of observation of the deep field of the North Celestial Pole with the NenuFAR radio telescope, made it possible to establish new limits on the fluctuations of the transition line at 21 cm from neutral hydrogen. These observations will allow us to study the conditions of formation of the first stars, approximately 180 million years following the Big Bang, a key moment in the evolution of the universe.

NenuFAR, a low-frequency radio interferometer located at the Nançay Radioastronomy Observatory in France, is distinguished by its large collecting surface, making it exceptionally sensitive for observing the signal 21 cm from the Cosmic Dawn. Observing this signal is complex due to interference from light from our galaxy and other celestial sources, which overshadows the weak signal from the Cosmic Dawn. The team implemented advanced techniques to try to isolate this signal.

These advances mark significant progress towards understanding the Cosmic Dawn. However, this is only a first step and many challenges remain to directly observe this signal. The team continues to improve its analysis and observation methods, with the ultimate goal of directly observing the Cosmic Dawn.

On the left, the NenuFAR radio telescope, which will consist of 1938 antennas upon completion. On the right, a visualization of a simulation of the 21 cm signal from the time of Reionization, produced by the LICORICE software. The NenuFAR Cosmic Dawn project aims to detect and study this signal to better understand the beginnings of the universe.

Reference :

[1] First upper limits on the 21-cm signal power spectrum from the Cosmic Dawn from one night of observations with NenuFAR. Munshi, S., Mertens, F., Koopmans, L.V.E. et al. 2023. A&A in press

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