“Anti-picketing” protocol: a judge ruled in favor of the Government

2023-12-20 09:05:36

The investigating judge Gustavo Pierretti rejected the habeas corpus presented this Tuesday by the Workers Partythe Nobel Peace Prize Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, of the Peace and Justice Service (Serpaj) and representatives of the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) to request that the “anti-picketing” protocol of the National Government.

All three submissions were rejected at “none of the contemplated assumptions occur“in Law 23,098 on Habeas Corpus Procedure.

In it article 3 It is established that “the habeas corpus procedure will correspond when an act or omission of a public authority is reported that implies the current limitation or threat of freedom of movement without a written order from a competent authority; or the illegitimate aggravation of the manner and conditions in which the deprivation of liberty is carried out without prejudice to the powers of the trial judge, if any.”

On her social networks, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichcelebrated the decision.

“Justice resolved it: the protocol for maintaining public order It is completely legal. Only those who ignore the law and live outside of it might think otherwise,” the official wrote in her account. X (ex Twitter) along with an image of the judicial disposition.

The protocol will be tested this Wednesday in the mobilization that social and political organizations will carry out between Congress and the Plaza de Mayo, on the 22nd anniversary of the events of December 2001, when the government of Fernando De la Rúa fell.

The deputy of the Left Front Unity (FIT-U) Nestor Pitrola and the Nobel Peace Prize Adolfo Pérez Esquivel together with representatives of human rights organizations, they were the ones who made the presentation before the Criminal and Correctional Court No. 13, alleging that the protocol affects “the freedom of movement and physical integrity” of the protesters.

Sandra Pettovello announced the withdrawal of social plans for those who carry out pickets or blockades

Minister Bullrich’s threats place the State and her in the position of committing a crime. Those who will commit a crime are not the unemployed workers who are seeing their income pulverized with the freezing of a social plan at 1% daily inflation,” the legislator protested in dialogue with Telam.

The PO leader stressed that “the protocol is illegal because affects article 14 of the Constitution and the right to protest, which is also constitutional“, which is why the presentation explained that “the provisions of the questioned resolution constitute the illegal suspension of rights protected by the National Constitution and international treaties with constitutional hierarchy.”

“It resembles, in fact, a state of exception or sitewithout having met the assumptions that enable it,” they indicated regarding the resolution of the national agency.


#Antipicketing #protocol #judge #ruled #favor #Government



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