Risks to the quality of childcare

2023-12-20 09:38:02

I would like to draw your attention to an important aspect that affects the future prospects of our children and the reputation of the childcare profession. Pedagogical expertise ensures adequate development support, safety, as well as emotional and social support for the little ones. The decision to hand over childcare responsibilities to unqualified staff not only poses risks to the quality of care, but also long-term effects on the educational opportunities and social integration of our youngest members.
Professional and technically sound care is crucial for the optimal development of our children. A lack of professional competence might lead to a rapid reduction in equal opportunities because appropriate care and support are not guaranteed. This might in turn lead to more children experiencing more problems at school and not being able to achieve necessary educational goals.
Furthermore, adjustment phases might be problematic for the children if the care staff does not have basic knowledge of developmental psychology. A lack of understanding of children’s psychological needs might affect their adaptability and emotional transitions in the new environment.
It is important that we as a society support and promote professional training and expertise in childcare. Only through professionally qualified educators can we ensure comprehensive development and equal opportunities for our children.

Katharina Fercher, 5600 St. Johann im Pongau

Accessed on December 20, 2023 at 10:42 am

#Risks #quality #childcare



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