Study shows drop in sales of machinery and equipment

2023-12-19 21:30:24

Report from Brazilian Association of the Machinery and Equipment Industry (Abimaq) released September data on the machinery and equipment sector. The study pointed out that net sales revenue recorded a drop of 10.8% compared to the previous month, partially reversing the growth that had been observed in July.

The report states that weakness in domestic market activities contributed to the decrease, while exports, despite the global slowdown and the appreciation of the real once morest the dollar, expanded compared to the same period of the previous year. However, as pointed out in the report, the interannual analysis indicates improvements only in the consumer goods market, highlighting the persistence of sectoral challenges.

Still in the Abimaq study on export data, following a growth of 25.2% in August 2023, exports from the machinery and equipment sector registered a drop of 20.7% in September, returning to the level of US$ 1, 2 billion. The report also shows that exports were still 11.7% above the same month in 2022. It is possible to observe data from the year to September, where exports reached US$ 10.46 billion, representing an increase of 17.3% compared to the same period of the previous year. The appreciation of the Real in relation to the Dollar was offset by the improvement in the international prices of these goods.

José Antônio Valente, director of the equipment rental franchise Franquias Trans Obra states that observing the report, it is noted that the fluctuations in exports, with significant growth in August followed by a drop of 20.7% in September, reflect the volatility of the global scenario. Then, José Antônio commented that it is interesting to note that, despite this variation, exports remain above 2022 numbers and that the report says regarding the compensation of the appreciation of the real by better international prices as a positive aspect to these data. “Given the nuances presented by the report, it is crucial to adopt adaptive strategies and promote the sector’s resilience, ensuring its continued contribution to economic development.”

Still regarding the study released by Abimaq, it was pointed out that the month of September 2023 witnessed a reduction in imports of machinery and equipment, falling by 17.3% compared to the previous month and 6.8% compared to September 2022. The report states that this result nullified part growth accumulated in the year. The document also showed that imports, even though they are slowing down, indicate a loss of competitiveness of the national product in relation to the imported one. By September 2023, imported equipment gained almost 4 percentage points of the apparent consumption of machinery and equipment in Brazil.

It is possible to see data on apparent national consumption of machinery and equipment, which in September was R$30.3 billion, a drop of 11.2% compared to August 2023 and 19.9% ​​below the same month in 2022 Despite the slowdown in September, the third quarter ended, according to the report, with investments greater than previous quarters, however, still below those made in the third quarter of 2022. In the year to September, national consumption was R$274 billion, indicating a drop of 9.4% compared to the same period of the previous year, representing, as stated in the survey, a worsening in relation to previous data.


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