Hospitals: Elisabeth Braut moves to Lower Austria

Elisabeth Braut was appointed by the Lower Austrian state government as head of medicine and nursing at the State Health Agency (LGA) on Tuesday. The previous management in these two areas will be elevated to board level, and the 46-year-old will hold the position from September 1, 2024, the state said. Groom succeeds Markus Klamminger, Director of Medicine and Nursing.

Since 2003, the qualified doctor and lawyer has worked in various positions at the Sisters of Mercy Hospital in Linz, including as medical director. As part of her training, Braut also completed management training in health care management.

Provincial Councilor Ludwig Schleritzko (ÖVP) described the 46-year-old as “a proven expert” who impressed in the hearing with her know-how and her thoughts on the future of the state health agency and hospital care in Lower Austria. “We are confident that with the new management structure in the NÖ LGA we will meet the employees’ wish to represent medicine and nursing on the board,” emphasized Schleritzko. The two previous board members Konrad Kogler and Alfred Zens will remain in their respective positions.

The regional party leader of the SPÖ Lower Austria, regional councilor Sven Hergovich, viewed it as positive that a female doctor was joining the LGA board. “With a salary of 340,000 euros according to our information and a total board member’s salary of over a million euros, there must be savings,” demanded Hergovich: “Cutting a board and saving money must be the motto here. We have in mind to halve the board’s salaries.”


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