Understanding and Identifying Symptoms of Serious Health Issues: Gum Disease, Nosebleeds, Respiratory Diseases, and Lung Cancer

2023-12-19 15:51:46

Possibility of various diseases such as gum disease, nosebleeds, respiratory diseases… Lung cancer should also be checked.

Entered 2023.12.18 19:26 Views 763 Entered 2023.12.18 19:26 Modified 2023.12.18 17:38 Views 763 If ​​high fever persists and cough, yellow phlegm, and difficulty breathing appear following contracting the flu, complications such as pneumonia should be suspected. do. [사진=게티이미지]

Even if there is no wound in the mouth, blood may come out when spitting. If you look around the tongue or gums, there are no injuries. What happened to my body? What treatment should I receive when I go to the hospital?

First, we need to check the amount of blood and the state of bleeding… For gum bleeding and nosebleeds

According to data from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, when blood is mixed with saliva, it may be due to bleeding gums in the mouth or may be accompanied by nosebleeds. If you notice bleeding following brushing your teeth or have obvious gum disease, it is best to see a dentist first. If you have nosebleeds or discomfort in the throat area, otolaryngology treatment may be helpful.

If you have dark red blood or black stool… Possible gastrointestinal bleeding

Dark red blood may appear or may be mixed with food. If the stool color has turned black, the possibility of gastrointestinal bleeding is very high. It is best to see a gastroenterologist. When it comes to gastrointestinal bleeding, it can be difficult to distinguish it from hemoptysis (vomiting blood).

It is very difficult to pinpoint the bleeding site in the long gastrointestinal tract. At this time, the color of stool is very helpful in diagnosing the cause of bleeding. When the amount of blood coming out of the upper gastrointestinal tract is very large and rapid, you may see bright red stools. In this case, treatment must be sought quickly as it can be life-threatening.

Bright red blood when coughing or blood mixed into sputum

Recently, with the flu and pneumonia epidemic, the number of people coughing is increasing. If you don’t wear a mask, people around you will also be concerned. Whenever you cough, bright red blood may appear or may come out mixed with foamy phlegm. This is most likely bleeding originating from the bronchial tubes and lungs. You need to quickly find a respiratory department at a hospital.

Hemoptysis is vomiting blood. It refers to blood that comes from the mucous membrane of the lungs or bronchial tubes due to lung disease, etc. If hemoptysis occurs frequently and the amount is large, it is an emergency situation. You are at greater risk if you have an underlying lung disease, such as bronchiectasis or cavitary lung disease. You should go to the emergency room as quickly as possible. You must quickly find out your physical condition, the severity of the bleeding, and the area of ​​bleeding, and take hemostasis measures to stop the bleeding.

Bloody phlegm when coughing… What are the symptoms of lung cancer?

Recently, the number of lung cancer patients has been increasing. The most common initial symptom is cough. 75% of lung cancer patients complain of frequent coughing. However, even if smokers cough, they say, “It must be because of the cigarette…” ” is often overlooked. Additionally, if you have been coughing for more than 2 weeks, it is recommended to get a checkup as there is a possibility of other diseases such as tuberculosis.

According to the National Cancer Information Center, spitting up bloody phlegm or blood itself when coughing is also one of the main symptoms of lung cancer. However, not all of these are caused by lung cancer. Blood from the lungs is mixed with phlegm and is red. If you have symptoms of bloody sputum or bleeding, you must see a specialist.

Reporter Kim Yong


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