4th Mobile 3-way match… Sejong Telecom, Stage Five, Future Mobile Challenge – ZDNet korea

2023-12-19 10:14:44

Three corporations, including Sejong Telecom, Stage

The Ministry of Science and ICT announced on the 19th that as a result of closing the application for 28GHz frequency allocation for new business operators, three corporations, including Sejong Telecom, StageX, and My Mobile Consortium, applied for frequency allocation on a nationwide basis.

Following the deadline for frequency allocation applications, the Ministry of Science and ICT plans to begin reviewing whether companies applying for allocation meet grounds for disqualification under the Radio Act and the Telecommunications Business Act. The eligibility of the applicant corporation will be reviewed for up to one month. For example, this is the process of examining whether there are grounds for disqualification for installing a wireless station.

As all three corporations applied on a nationwide basis, if there are multiple corporations that pass the eligibility screening, a frequency auction will be held according to competitive demand.

The auction method consists of a first-stage multi-round ascending bidding and a second-stage sealed bidding. The minimum competitive price on a national basis is 74.2 billion won. Although this is the amount that the government has lowered the threshold for entering a new telecommunications company, the possibility of a ‘War of Zhen’ breaking out depending on the will of the corporation applying for frequency allocation cannot be ruled out.

Photo = Image Today

Sejong Telecom, which received the application for allocation first, is the largest telecommunications carrier following the three telecommunication companies. In the wireless field, it is developing an economical phone business under the Snowman brand and is the chairman of the Economical Phone Association. As it is actively engaged in the 5G business, it is evaluated as having capabilities in the B2B communication business.

Kim Hyeong-jin, Chairman of Sejong Telecom, said, “We are a company that already has a wired network and has a long experience in the telecommunications business,” and added, “In accordance with the strong government will, we have stepped forward to secure future growth engines by responding to policies.”

Stage X is a new corporation in the form of a consortium formed by Stage Five and Shinhan Investment & Securities. Banks, including KB Kookmin Bank, have entered the budget phone business aiming for the lock-in effect of financial products, but what is noteworthy is that they have entered the basic telecommunications business by directly building a network.

After entering the budget phone market with the Pin Direct brand, Stage Five introduced roaming products that were differentiated from those of other companies, and also presented a full MVNO blueprint equipped with its own computer facilities such as subscriber management and billing system.

An official from this company said, “The core network is an essential facility for roaming cooperation with MNO for nationwide communication services,” and added, “We have completed the technical review of building a core network for the full MVNO business.”

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My Mobile Consortium is a corporation participated by Future Mobile, which was the first to announce its intention to take on the 4th mobile telecommunication challenge. On this day, Mirae Mobile’s application for installment under the name of a guarantee insurance corporation was rejected, but it succeeded in re-applying under the guarantee insurance under the name of My Mobile Consortium just before the application deadline.

Choi Woo-hyuk, Director of the Radio Policy Bureau at the Ministry of Science and ICT, said, “All of the companies applying for this allocation are operators who lack experience in frequency auctions, and the Ministry of Science and ICT plans to provide sufficient explanation time to ensure that operators can smoothly participate in the auction.” He added, “Good competition among new operators.” “We plan to focus on fair auction management so that we can unfold,” he said.

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