The Anticipated Drop in Interest Rates by 2024 and its Impact on French Purchasing Power

2023-12-19 11:51:37

The drop in interest rates “should take place at some point in 2024”, also indicated François Villeroy de Galhau. KEVIN DIETSCH / Getty Images via AFP

François Villeroy de Galhau forecasts a return of inflation to 2% at the latest by 2025. The purchasing power of the French should improve significantly in the coming years, due to expected price drops.

«It is not only a forecast but a commitment: we will reduce inflation to 2% by 2025 at the latest“. Invited to comment on the latest forecasts from the Banque de France this Tuesday, the governor of the institution François Villeroy de Galhau wanted to be optimistic for the years to come. “We see a sharp slowdown in 2023, but then growth increases in 2024 to 0.9%, then to 1.3% in 2025, to reach 1.6% in 2026, and this, because we will have left the inflationn,” he assured at the microphone of France Inter. According to the governor, the French should soon feel the effects of this improvement on their purchasing power. “This is good news: from now on, prices will increase less quickly than wages. he hammered.

The institution therefore plans for prices to catch up with wages, thanks to the decline in inflation. “From now on, wages will increase faster than prices, because the fall in prices is very significant,” repeats François Villeroy de Galhau. As an illustration, the governor recalled the improvements observed in recent months. “We were at 7% inflation at the start of the year, which was far too much, particularly for food and energy, and we fell back to 3.5% on average at the end of the year. We will reach 2.5% by next year, and 2% at the latest by 2025,” he clarified. A speech more or less similar to the one given, at the end of November on the same channel, by the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire. “We are emerging from the most serious inflationary crisis since the 1970s […] The results are there, probably not on all products, but overall, inflation today has been defeated, and it is a real economic success.the boss of Bercy then welcomed.

“A risk of relapse”

The governor of the Bank of France, however, wants to be cautious. “The French economy has fairly solid engines, but it is a gradual recovery and we must obviously not declare victory“, he tempered. It is also by virtue of this prudence that François Villeroy de Galhau evokes the “stabilisation» interest rates and not their immediate fall. “All major countries have raised their key rates to fight inflation and it is effective everywhere; since October we are no longer going to mount them, which is already an important step“, he indicated. The decline, long awaited by economic players, “expected to take place sometime in 2024“, he added once more. “Lowering rates too early exposes the economy to the risk of a relapse into the disease that is inflation.“, warned the governor.


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