New: Practical operational and educational courses!

2023-12-19 10:30:10

Yes, yes you read correctly, these are very very practical courses. A new project? We provide you with scripted content enriched with ready-to-use solutions. Donatienne Gauvin, editor and manager of this new product, tells you everything.

Can you explain to us the origin of the Practical Journeys?

DG : Many of us have at some point in our career had to work on a project that took us out of our comfort zone. For example, in situations such as managing a project remotely, communicating on the financial indicators of a project, embarking on another type of organization such as the intrapreneurial. It is in these moments that we would like to have on hand the explanation, the procedure to follow, the appropriate tools and to know when to use them. We put ourselves in your shoes and to answer all these questions, we have developed the Practical Routes.

Concretely, what do we find in a Practical Course?

DG : A practical thematic course is broken down into sequences, 6 to 8 in number. Each sequence responds to a problem within this theme. To give you an example, the Practical Course on the intrapreneurial approach begins with a first sequence to understand the differences between exploration and exploitation.
The sequences are themselves divided into several stages, and conclude with a 3-question quiz allowing the reader to validate their understanding.
The sequences are enriched with downloadable tools and templates.

How do you navigate a Practical Journey?

DG : The navigation of the Practical Routes has been designed to support the reader in their progress. So, for example, you follow the order of the sequences and steps to properly assimilate all the information. Once the sequence has been seen in its entirety, you can of course return to it and browse freely.
A progress bar tells you at any time what level of the Course you are at. When you leave the Course and return to it later, you will automatically return to the next step.
By clicking on the linked content, you have direct access to the bibliography, reference websites and the printable PDF of the sequence.

Who are the authors of the Practical Journeys?

DG : The sequences were written by professionals in the relevant profession, who have concrete and practical experience of the subjects covered. Their advice comes from their daily lives, and the tools they make available to us are those they also use.

What are the themes covered by the Practical Courses?

DG : We have deliberately selected 8 cross-cutting themes, which range from innovation to energy transition, including project management, monitoring, design and even intellectual property. These themes have in common that they concern, at some point in their career, all engineers.
Are you a customer of Engineering Techniques and one theme interests you more than another? You can ask our customer service to replace your Practical Course with one more suited to your current problems.

Are you going to develop new Practical Pathways?

DG : We are not going to stop there! In 2024, ten new Practical Courses will be integrated into existing themes to support you even further.

Donatienne Gauvin

#Practical #operational #educational #courses



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