What is the North Pole?

2023-12-19 00:00:00

When you were little, maybe you thought Santa Claus lived at the North Pole? To find out what the North Pole really is, watch the 1jour1actu video!

What is the North Pole?

Polar bears, gigantic icebergs, northern lights and ice floes as far as the eye can see: you’ve already seen images of the North Pole! It is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, it is an imaginary point to the north of our maps and covered in ice.

We speak of the Arctic Circle to designate this region where the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees and falls to minus 60! There are in fact two North Poles: the geographical point which corresponds to the axis of rotation of the Earth… and the magnetic pole, located not far away, and towards which the magnetic compass needle is constantly attracted!

So, is that why all eyes are on him?

Yes, but not only that… Since the 19th century, the North Pole has fascinated great explorers eager for adventure.

Today, scientists are the ones who closely monitor the sea ice all around the pole. These large blocks of ice form during the polar winter and partly melt in the summer.

In recent years, due to climate change, this melting of ice has been accentuated at the North Pole… but also at the South Pole, Antarctica, a continent where temperatures are lower!

When the poles melt, the entire planet suffers the consequences, such as flooding with rising ocean levels. It is therefore urgent to act to limit climate change and protect our poles.

Isabelle Pouyllau

#North #Pole



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