What is going to happen to the rates and until when does it apply?

2023-12-18 10:50:49

President Javier Milei signed a decree declaring the emergency of the national energy sector until the end of 2024, both in the generation, transportation and distribution segments of electricity under federal jurisdiction and in the transportation and distribution of natural gas. The decision of the Executive Branch was published this Monday in the Official Gazette.

Having evaluated the situation in which the energy system receives and the conditions that are projected for the future, “it is necessary to adopt short, medium and long-term measures that allow continuity in the provision of public transportation and distribution services. electric energy and natural gasand ensure supply,” the text highlights in its recitals.

Consequently, The DNU declares in its article 1 “the emergency of the National Energy Sector regarding the segments of generation, transportation and distribution of electrical energy under federal jurisdiction and transportation and distribution of natural gas.

The emergency declaration and the actions derived from it “They will be valid until December 31, 2024”according to the DNU signed by President Javier Milei, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, and the other ministers.

Article 2 instructs the Ministry of Energy to establish the program of actions necessary to «the sanction of prices under conditions of competition and free accessmaintain income levels in real terms and cover investment needs, to guarantee the continuous provision of public services for the transportation and distribution of electricity and natural gas under adequate technical and economic conditions for providers and users.

In that sense, determines through article 3 the “beginning of the tariff review” corresponding to the providers of public services of “transportation and distribution of electrical energy under federal jurisdiction and transportation and distribution of natural gas”, and establishes that the entry into force of the resulting tariff tables “may not exceed December 31, 2024».

Intervention of Enre and Enargas

The DNU also provides for the intervention of the National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE) and the National Gas Regulatory Entity (Enargas)as of January 1, 2024 and until the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors resulting from the selection process provided for in the same DNU.

In this regard, the Ministry of Energy is empowered to appoint the auditors of both technical organizations, who will have among their entrusted functions “carry out the tariff review processes” and “evaluate and report on the management of Purchases and Contracts” and possible anomalies.

Finally, the DNU has a period of 180 days for the Ministry of Energy to begin the selection process for board members of both entities, in accordance with current regulatory frameworks.

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