Factors Affecting Weight Loss: Science Behind Why Diets Don’t Always Work

2023-12-18 07:48:10

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    Those who want to lose weight often stick to a strict diet plan in a disciplined manner. There are factors that can be to blame if weight loss doesn’t work.

    Many people want to feel comfortable in their body and achieve their desired weight. Diets, weight loss trends and dietary changes should help. Despite iron discipline, it often happens that the pounds just won’t fall off. If losing weight doesn’t work, this can be due to various factors, as scientists have found in their study.

    Losing weight doesn’t work: three factors that can be to blame

    Certain biomarkers can have an influence on whether you can lose weight. © Imaginechina-Tuchong/IMAGO

    • Study results on weight loss success: The one in the specialist magazine Cell Reports Medicine published Study analyzed data from about 600 people who followed different diets, including low-fat or low-carb.
    • Research goal: The scientists wanted to find out which factors influence the success of short- or long-term diets and which biomarkers play a role.
    • Three crucial biomarkers: In addition to calorie intake, researchers identified three biomarkers that influence weight loss success: the amount of gut bacteria, the level of exhaled carbon dioxide, and the body’s ability to produce proteins.
    • Function of the biomarkers: These biomarkers provide information about a person’s metabolism and can provide information about which diet method is best suited for individual weight loss success.
    • Crucial role of metabolism: Metabolism plays a crucial role in weight loss, and changes to it can negatively impact desired weight loss.
    • Weight loss as a complex process: The study author Dr. Michael Snyder emphasizes that weight loss is a complex and enigmatic process, but one that can be predicted through microbiome and metabolic biomarker analysis.
    • Individual differences in metabolism: People have different metabolic types, and the study shows that individual metabolic differences are crucial in determining which diet method is most effective.
    • Challenges with Low Carbohydrate Diet: One example is that people whose bodies prefer carbohydrates may have difficulty burning and metabolizing calories when on a low-carb, high-fat diet.
    • Conclusion on weight loss: Weight loss success depends not only on discipline and willpower, but also on an individual’s metabolism and the way the body functions.
    • Nutritional recommendations: Since personalized nutritional analysis is not yet possible, experts recommend consuming high-quality, unprocessed foods with little sugar and refined flour, as well as consuming important nutrients from vegetables, nuts, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber.
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