Antidepressant and libido, what is the link?

2023-12-14 07:30:00

Introductory reminder: what is libido?

“Libido designates our desires, our desires, our life drives. This term certainly encompasses sexual activity and its imagination, but also other forms of vital energies,” recalled sexologist and founder of Club Kamami, Diane Deswarte.

In sexology, it is true that we will talk more of sexual desire only libido to express this desire to make love, to have intimate relationships. “However, the distinction is not necessarily relevant to make because the term libido is more widely used in everyday language and in consultation in particular,” specifies sexologist Morgane Beauvais.

Can libido be disrupted in depression? What is the link between sexual dysfunction and taking antidepressants?

A link may indeed exist between the two. “However, in the case of low libido, the real question is to first investigate whether the libido problems are due to the use of antidepressants, the disease itself and/or other factors,” indicates the sexologist.

The effects of depression on libido

“As one of the main characteristics of depression is the inhibition or loss of the ability to feel pleasure, coupled with the progressive decline in energy in general including libido, it is often likely that a depressed person will not finds no interest in making love,” explains Morgane Beauvais.

“However, other parameters that can cause sexual dysfunctions must also be taken into account.” For example : the existence of concomitant psychological or metabolic diseases, psychosocial factors (relationship problems, overwork, professional stress, bereavement, etc.). But also, pathologies linked to the patient’s age, namely: menopause, diabetes, excess weight, high blood pressure or even the use of toxins (tobacco and alcohol).

What are the side effects observed in women and men when taking antidepressants?

  • In the female sex, we will generally notice a decrease in lubrication (vaginal dryness), anorgasmia (absence of orgasm or difficulty achieving it), or even pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Among men, for example, it might be erectile problems, premature ejaculation but also quite simply an absence of desire.

Namely: “Erection problems are observed in more than 50% of cases during antidepressant treatments,” reports a study published in the Swiss Medical Review (source 1). “Not all being equal in the action of drug molecules, the side effects can therefore vary from one patient to another and to varying degrees,” specifies the sexologist.

What antidepressant medications are responsible for sexual dysfunction?

“These are in particular tricyclic antidepressants (ADs), having an anticholinergic action, such as amitriptyline (Laroxyl), imipramine (Tofranil), clomipramine, which promote impotence” (source 1). “But here once more, the link with libido will depend on their dosage and the psychology of the patient,” insists Morgane Beauvais.

How to maintain fulfilling sexuality when you are on antidepressants (depressed)?

The first thing to do is totalk regarding it with your partner and also with a health professional (general practitioner, sexologist, psychologist, psychiatrist depending on the case). “The latter will thus be able to assess whether libido disorders are in fact a symptom of depression or linked to taking antidepressants,” explains the sexologist.

Putting words to what is happening often helps to de-dramatize the subject. Morgane Beauvais, sexologist.

Other solutions

Beyond maybe modifier and dosage of his antidepressant (if any) and/or replace with another causing no or less adverse effect on the libido, and always with the approval of your doctor, other avenues can be considered.

“Those who suffer from depression are often inactive, so it is important toget back in motion, emit energy to (re) stimulate sensations,” explains the sexologist. “It may, for example, be interesting to have a massage or to massage yourself (feet, legs, vulva, arms, chest, etc.), perhaps starting with simple pressure when you wake up. All this is free and non-invasive, it’s a bit like giving yourself a hug which will allow you to repair traumatic spaces. »

“Dance, sport (squats, jogging, etc.) can also help restore consciousness to the body via blood oxygenation, perspiration, etc. And in a certain way they can therefore help to reactivate the libido,” continues Morgane Beauvais.

But also, art therapy: method aimed at utilize a person’s potential for artistic expression and creativity for psychotherapeutic purposes.

Without forgetting the importance of good sleep and maintaining a good nutritional balance: eating healthy and varied. “But here once more, these are only suggestions adapted or not to each patient, depending on whether they are experiencing temporary depression or whether they suffer more deeply from depression as an established illness. In the latter case, it may indeed be more difficult to apply these recommendations. Medical advice will therefore be, whatever it may be, essential, complements the one who is also the creator of the podcast “Sin eden sublime”.

The importance of the senses

“When we are feeling bad, we often say that we have lost the taste for life. The whole challenge is therefore to restore meaning by playing, for example, with the senses (taste, hearing, smell, sight, touch),” notes Morgane Beauvais. Beyond getting back to cooking delicious meals, you might get straight to the heart of the matter, by going to a sex shop and falling for fragrant candles or aromatic lubricants which should not leave your senses indifferent…

Tantra and its benefits

Tantra can in certain cases be recommended to rediscover oneself: “The slowness of this ancestral practice will allow the sensations to be gently reactivated. It’s an interesting approach to gradually eroticize your body and, perhaps, regain a fulfilling sexual desire,” explains the sexologist. Still according to Morgane Beauvais: “However, tantra remains something physically and emotionally engaging. So offering tantra to a person in difficulty may not be the best idea. Let’s say that tantra is the higher stage – for people who are getting better and have already come out of the depressive state. »

True or False: Is it possible to take antidepressants while taking Viagra?

It is of course possible to combine the two as long as you do not have any contraindications to taking Viagra (diabetes, heart problems, etc.). In all cases, it will be recommended to seek advice from your general practitioner or specialist (sexologist, urologist, etc.).

“Also be careful not to believe that Viagra might act on libido or on depression itself, this pill will certainly have an action but only on the erection. It works a bit like an on/off button,” warns Morgane Beauvais. And as a reminder, it is entirely possible to have an erection without sexual desire.

After stopping antidepressants (long-term use), how can I regain sexual desire?

“Gradually reducing or stopping antidepressant treatment with the agreement of your doctor is a big step for the patient. It’s important to raise awareness of this development and express an intention for the future and what makes us want in life and intimacy,” explains Morgane Beauvais. Saying this message out loud and writing it down can further help integrate it. “It’s a bit like a love letter that we write to ourselves to do good and regain self-confidence,” concludes the sexologist.

You will have understood that if antidepressants are sometimes “good” in reducing libido, they are also far from being the only reason.

#Antidepressant #libido #link



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