A look at the promising world of quantum technology

2023-12-17 23:10:00

In the world of quantum technology, where the laws of classical physics give way to astonishing phenomena and revolutionary technological applications. Discover how research in quantum mechanics is shaping our future, from nanoscale optical sensors to the supercomputers of tomorrow.

Jennifer Choy, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering atUniversity of Wisconsin–Madison, is dedicated to the study of quantum detection. In a recent interview, she discussed the principles of quantum systems and some applications of quantum mechanics, including those we use every day.

The term ” quantum » is often used in various fields to describe phenomena occurring on a very small scale. But what exactly does “quantum” mean?

According to Jennifer Choyquantum refers to the most fundamental unit of something.

In many applications, “quantum” refers to physical phenomena or systems whose length scales are so small that their characteristics cannot be described with classical physics.

The most accessible way to understand quantum behavior is to look at the atom itself. An excited atom (like the one in a gas tube that is heated) will emit light that is quantized (expressed in discrete values) in terms of energy. Each individual atom, depending on the species, has a length scale of the order of an angstrom (one hundred-millionth of a centimeter).

At this scale, we can describe an atom both as a particle – as its own quantity – but also as a wave.

Applications of quantum mechanics

Research in quantum mechanics can benefit other areas, such as quantum sensing. According to Choy, what excites him most regarding quantum mechanics is the possibility of bringing new features to existing technologies. In the case of sensing and metrology (the science of measurement), quantum technologies allow us to make measurements much more precisely and accurately.

One such quantum technology is the atomic clock. The functioning of our world currently relies on the use of atoms to keep time. Atomic clocks measure the quantized resonant frequency of atoms, often using the element cesium, to keep time with a very high degree of precision.

There are 24 GPS satellites orbiting the Earth, and each of them is equipped with an atomic clock. When we receive signals from these GPS satellites, they contain position information, as well as a timestamp. Each of these timestamps contains data from the measurement of atoms in atomic clocks. This allows us to determine the position very precisely, with a very low degree of uncertainty.

Quantum computing

Quantum computing is another area of ​​quantum research that is attracting a lot of interest. Quantum computing takes advantage of the quantum nature of very small-scale devices, and the ability to control and measure the states of quantum systems, to create quantum equivalents to classical bits like 0 and 1.

The state of a quantum system – for example, whether it is 0 or 1 – is described probabilistically until it is measured. This allows the use of superposition, the idea that a quantum system probabilistically occupies several states at once until it is measured.

Additionally, it is also possible to generate correlations in measurements of multiple quantum systems through a unique quantum phenomenon called entanglement. This phenomenon occurs when, for a pair of quantum particles, the measurement of one determines the result of the measurement of the other, even if the particles are separated.

Thus, in quantum computing, these analogues of quantum bits, called “qubits», can have the properties of being superimposed 0 and 1, and the states of the qubits correlated.


Quantum technology, although complex, offers enormous potential to transform our world. Whether by improving the precision of our measurements, creating supercomputers or exploring new frontiers in neuroscience and biology, quantum mechanics is at the heart of many technological advances.

For a better understanding

What is quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with phenomena on an extremely small scale, such as that of atoms and subatomic particles.

What is quantum sensing?

Quantum sensing is a field of research that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to develop ultra-sensitive sensors.

What is an atomic clock?

An atomic clock is a type of clock that uses the vibrations of atoms to measure time with extreme precision.

What is quantum computing?

Quantum computing is a field of research that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to develop computers that can solve problems that classical computers cannot solve.

What is quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where two particles become linked in such a way that the state of one instantly affects the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them.


Image caption: Jennifer Choy, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, conducts research on quantum sensing technologies. His work focuses in particular on the use of diamonds to create ultrasensitive sensors. Credit: Sabrina Wu.

Article adapted from the interview with Jennifer Choy, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, specialist in quantum detection.

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