Where is Milei going | Profile

2023-12-17 04:46:33

Although it is premature, a week following taking office, to draw hasty conclusions regarding the direction he wants to take with his management, Javier Milei has begun to provide certain guidelines.

The main one, so far, is that pragmatism rules, a characteristic that had begun to insinuate itself as the electoral race progressed.

The starkest display of this flexibility was exposed in the package of measures announced by Luis Caputo, his Minister of Economy. Thus, the candidate who promised to cut off his arm during the campaign before increasing taxes, as President, increases taxes. For the emergency, of course.

The generalization of withholdings on primary exports (which punishes many regional economies), the increase in the PAIS tax to make imports even more expensive following the brutal devaluation of the peso and the advance that the payment of Profits for the fourth category will be restored , are some of the slips regarding the promises made.

Not to mention the impact that the stampede of new prices versus old incomes is beginning to have, which will only get worse when public service and transportation rates begin to be honest due to the reduction in subsidies. Christmas gifts in advance left by Sergio Massa.

The presidential contradiction is understood. In its decision to reduce the deficit by five points and achieve fiscal balance within a year, it is essential to continue collecting. One way or the other. Even at the cost of what was sustained in the proselytizing era.

Activating the chainsaw throughout the State is a symbolic gesture that must be given to a population that has been suffering for a long time and that will continue to suffer, but in numerical terms it is scarce.

Milei, who forced to burn all the Political Science manuals in relation to how to build oneself to have a chance of reaching the Presidency, nevertheless clings at this time to one of the key precepts of political marketing: giving all the bad news together and at the beginning of the mandate. There also appears its plasticity.

It should be noted that this bad news is not given by him, but by his main minister of this first stage of the mileista administration, as Mauricio Macri was responsible for highlighting in a post a few days ago.

That Caputo and Patricia Bullrich, in charge of the Ministry of Security, have been the two most active officials in this first week speaks volumes regarding the government that has just started.

There are, obviously, themed hobbyhorses for Milei in both areas. central axes. Perhaps that is why he chose two protagonists with a background in managing public affairs. It is true, without exultant vintage results, especially in the case of Caputo. It is what it is.

Bullrich did not wait for anything to launch his anti-picketing protocol, with unpredictable political and practical effects. He will travel to Rosario to relaunch another federal anti-drug operation there.

In the whirlwind, Bullrich ate the curve to cancel a decree on the security of former presidents without having spoken with Milei, who lowered it. The head of state had committed to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner that custody would become the responsibility of Casa Militar (of the General Secretariat of the Presidency), instead of the Federal Police, which the Minister of Security once once more manages. Milei making an agreement with Cristina, another sign of ductility.

The hyperactivity of Caputo and Bullrich, to which might be added that of Guillermo Francos as Minister of the Interior and that of Diana Mondino in the Foreign Ministry, contrasts with those of other cabinet colleagues who did not even finish assembling their teams. The delays translate into the few decrees that were signed during the week.

The Government’s attention was drawn, for example, to the parsimony with which Sandra Pettovello placed first. The Minister of Human Capital absorbed several of the main areas that previously had her own portfolio – such as Social Development, Education or Labor, among others – but only on Friday followingnoon did she lead her first meeting with the collaborators of she. In the morning she had made her debut as a minister at a business event, alongside Paolo Rocca, the boss of the Techint group.

There are also some officials complaining regarding what they consider to be the excessively low profile of the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse.

The protest, quietly, extends to Santiago Caputo, the Marcos Peña of Milei, but for the opposite. The “architect” of the triumph, as the libertarian leader called him, is blamed for excessive interest in distributing people he trusts in various sectors. The powerful YPF is included in those tentacles of the less exposed and more influential Caputo.

When it comes to exhibitions, Victoria Villarruel achieved a prominent space. With just seven seats, she managed to unite all non-K blocks in the Senate to prevail over Kirchnerism in the formation of authorities.

Like a two-way carom, the vice president marked the field for Peronism and also for Milei, by consecrating Bartolomé Abdala from San Luis to the Provisional Presidency of the Upper House (second in line of succession), instead of Francisco Paoltroni from Formosa, nominated by the founder of LLA. The governor of Formosa, Gildo Insfrán, participated in that move through Senator José Mayans.

Apparently, Milei is not the only pragmatist in the new management.

#Milei #Profile



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