Dangers of Firework Vandalism in Brussels: Awareness and Sanctions

2023-12-16 10:07:00

Updated December 16, 2023

  • 11:42 a.m. with the reaction of the North police zone
  • 12:14 p.m. with the reaction of parking.brussels

Surprising images collected this Saturday, December 16 on social networks. We see a huge firework cracker being slipped into the ticket issuing slot of a parking meter. Then literally make it explode with a big “boom. And its metal pieces fall shaky on the sidewalk, in a cloud of smoke.

The scene is filmed at the intersection of Van Droogenbroeck and Fernand Séverin streets.


Since the beginning of December, we have been organizing awareness patrols with the municipalities to raise awareness among the population, above all to remind people of the dangers which justify the ban on fireworks during the holiday period.

At the Brussels-North police zone, spokesperson Audrey Dereymaecker tells us that this is the first incident of this type reported to her. “As the holidays approach, the use of firecrackers and fireworks is indeed a phenomenon that we encounter,” she continues. “Since the beginning of December, we have been organizing awareness patrols with the municipalities to raise awareness among the population, above all to remind people of the dangers which justify the ban on use and transport during the holiday period. This concerns the risk of injury, the risk of fire if the fireworks enter an apartment but also the nuisance for local residents, young and old, as well as for their pets”.

Sanctions up to €350

Let us remember that firecrackers and fireworks are prohibited in public spaces in Brussels from December 15, 2023 to January 3, 2024. This is a request from the heads of the police zones and the emergency services of the Siamu. “Regarding the sanctions, the report must be made by a sworn agent (police officer or municipal reporting agent) and the municipal administrative sanction (SAC) can go up to €350,” warns Audrey Dereymaecker.

Concerning the case of this intersection in the Helmet district, the representative of the area explains that “if my colleagues are not yet aware, they will however be able to direct the firecracker patrol towards this district to raise awareness and, in the event of an observation, on site, for the repression of the offenses observed”.

“These vandals are attacking their neighbors”

As for the parking.brussels agency, responsible for parking in the Schaerbeek area, we obviously deplore this deterioration of public property. “It is not uncommon for people to attack parking meters but, to my knowledge, this is a first with fireworks,” regrets Pierre Vassart, spokesperson. Which specifies that the repair will be “the responsibility of the consortium of subcontractors” whose contract includes maintenance and repairs. “This supplier also files a complaint each time there is damage.”

More generally, the spokesperson believes that “the vandals are targeting the wrong target” by damaging the parking meters. “When the devices no longer work, we receive numerous requests from local residents to strengthen controls on the affected roads.” Indeed, parking meter failures “result in the phenomenon of sucker cars, which prevent local residents from parking near their homes”. And to finish: “By destroying the parking meters, the vandals are undoubtedly attacking their own neighbors.”

#Schaerbeek #parking #meter #exploded #firecracker #video



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