Pirmin Werner Wins 4th Aerials World Cup Victory in China – Sport – SRF

2023-12-16 07:29:00

Aerials World Cup in China – Pirmin Werner wins his 4th World Cup victory – Sport – SRF

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Aerials specialist Pirmin Werner flies at the start of the season: After finishing second at the start, the Zurich native won the day 13 days later in Changchun, China.

In challenging conditions, Pirmin Werner celebrated his 4th career success at World Cup level in northeast China. The 23-year-old delivered a convincing performance in the super final – the second round with the top 6. This gave him a total of 122.62 points, while the competition in front of him made a mistake and no longer achieved this value.

So Werner from intermediate rank 3 elevated himself to the throne. The Zurich Unterländer had previously surpassed everyone twice in Almaty, Kazakhstan (2021 and 2023) and a year ago in Ruka, Finland.

Roth misses the podium

At the first World Cup stop this winter, Werner only had to allow himself to be defeated by Guangpu Qi in this same Ruka. The Chinese half-time leader fell to 6th place in Changchun. The Swiss therefore also takes the lead in the overall World Cup.

He was flanked on the podium by Christopher Lillis (USA) and Tianma Li from China.

Aerials for the second one on Sunday

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There is still a mixed competition at the World Cup station in Changchun on Sunday. They are from 6:55 a.m (Swiss time) in the commented live stream on our website and in the sports app.

Teammate Noé Roth stayed in 4th place with jumps of 119.91 and 117.65 points. Alexandra Baer got stuck in the qualification for the women. The American Winter Vinecki was at the top of the race.

srf.ch/sport, Web-Only-Livestream, 16.12.2023 06:55; bud

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