Democracy Gamejame, the event to entertain and question

2023-12-16 03:15:00

Why do we choose to live in democracy? This question – as simple as it was complex – was the trigger for “Democracy Gamejam”, a video game event to reflect on recent Argentine history.

Lets start by the beginning: What is a Gamejam? It is a meeting whose purpose is to creation of video games in a short period of time on a certain topic.

So, “Democracy Gamejam” sought to reflect on memory and human rights from new technologies. The idea was to introduce young people to different ways of expressing themselves and communicating. In summary, the purpose of the event was produce a video game 40 years of democracy.

“We see in the video game a cultural artifact, not just a matter of entertainment“, indicated Lino Sapetti, one of the organizers of the event and member of Dev Action, a community that recognizes games as a central contribution to culture.

“And There are books that talk regarding democracyIf there is cinema that talks regarding democracy How can there not be video games with this theme?“, Lino expanded. The meeting also sought to establish the Argentine identity issue as a “pillar.”

“The video game is a relatively new language, however it is growing a lot but luckily, we are giving it our mark“added the young man.

The “Democracy Gamejam” was held from December 2 to 10 but had several previous instances and the formal closure is still missing.

We start virtually to have a federal position. The virtual serves to build federalism,” highlighted the organizer. The event was coordinated by the Network of Video Game Developer Communitieswhich has a presence throughout the country and spreads its interest in the development of games and video games.

Although the first meetings of “Democracy Gamejam” were virtual, among the in-person venues, those held in the Space for the Memory of Human Rights ex-Esma and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

The games and themes

As detailed by the organizer, the meeting left as a consequence more than 30 games. “It’s a lot for a jam of this type, which deals with such complex topics,” he explained. “Very interesting things came out and as they are free and open access anyone can try it”, encouraged the video game developer.

Another interesting thing regarding Gamejams is that It is a good “first step” to get fully into the world of video games.

From Action Dev, Gamejam was born in 2020 – in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic – for the burning of wetlands in Rosario. “At that time I asked myself What might I do to make the problem visible?“, Lino said. And besides, he didn’t want to stop highlight the role of protest, identity and citizen militancy that can be found in events of this nature.

“There is still a lot of taboo in the video game,” he said. But, bet on the future and project: “With these actions We seek to make these communities seedbeds of the future,” he projected.

“In Acción Dev there are people of all political ideas. However, We care regarding Argentines who love video games and what we want is to find common points,” he added.

“In video game development, Argentina is avant-garde and the valuable thing is that what we do is with our lungs,” he continued.

The interviewee being consulted regarding upcoming topicsLaughing, he clarified that there are various topics on the agenda. but I preferred not to “spoil”.

Diego Maradona and Carlos Menem

In 2021, within the framework of the first anniversary of the death of Diego Maradona, Acción Dev carried out the “Maradona Gamejam”.

On that occasion the organization proposed to make a game “dedicated to the greatest footballer of all times”.

If you love it, if you hate it, if it confuses you; as long as you have something to say… If you judge him as a person or if you only care regarding what he did with your life, this is your jam. The idea is not to make only one Diego visible, nor that there is a single vision of him, but rather a relevance of his figure“said the call.

The ex-president Carlos Saúl Menem also had his Gamejamdue to the character of “uncomfortable figure”.

Different studies have proven that The use of video games grew significantly during the pandemic and has become a form of artistic expression that transcends cultural and generational barriers. In that context What better than to entertain and challenge through video games! ¿No?.

There is still closure

The organizers invited the community to participate in the formal closing of “Democracy Gamejam” which will be this Saturday at the ex-Esma. There, the projects will be presented and the event will be open to the public.

Instagram: @acciondev y @redcomvj

#Democracy #Gamejame #event #entertain #question



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