The Universal Helper: Harnessing the Power of Vitamin D for Optimal Health

2023-12-15 13:15:38

Helps with everything

Experts have found that vitamin D is a universal helper for our health, Medzdrav.Info reports. This hormone affects almost all processes in our body. First of all, our bones depend on it, but the matter is not limited to them. Vitamin D can help with colds, relieve inflammation and overcome many diseases that attack our immunity, said endocrinologist Olga Samburskaya.

“It has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effects, and prevents the development of autoimmune diseases,” the doctor explained.

In addition, a sufficient amount of this vitamin in the body helps reduce pain and improves reproductive health.

But you need to understand that each person is individual. Each hormone helps in its own way. Some cope better with the infection, while for others the inflammation goes away faster. Depending on the characteristics of the body, vitamin D fights obesity and diabetes.

“At its core, this is a unique and inimitable vitamin,” added Samburskaya.

It is so necessary that it is synthesized in our body from sunlight. Every cell is also capable of producing it. At the same time, you should not prescribe medications with this hormone on your own and swallow pills by the handful, because, as already mentioned, each person is individual. Therefore, the required dose is different for everyone. It is necessary to contact a specialist who will select the form and dosage.

Previously, we told you how to avoid catching the virus just before the New Year.

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