Raynaud’s disease: what complications in the absence of treatment?

2023-12-14 16:45:00

You have probably already heard of Raynaud’s syndrome? This vascular condition characterized by a temporary reduction in blood flow to the extremities of the body is generally benign. In 5 to 10% of cases, however, it can prove to be more serious and be the cause of severe complicationsexplains Professor Eric Hachulla, head of the internal medicine and clinical immunology department at Lille University Hospital.

Reminder: what are the differences between “disease” and Raynaud’s phenomenon?

At the risk of surprising you, Raynaud’s syndrome refers to two distinct medical conditions which are characterized by the same clinical symptoms and the same triggering factors (cold, humidity and stress), underlines the expert:

  • Raynaud’s “disease” is the most common form of Raynaud syndrome (between 90 and 95% of cases). “Its name is rather clumsy in reality, because it is a harmless and idiopathic phenomenon (without apparent cause), which mainly concerns young women,” underlines Professor Hachulla.
  • More rarely, Raynaud’s phenomenon maybe secondary to another pathology or substance use medicinal, narcotic or toxic. As noted above, its symptoms are similar to those of idiopathic Raynaud’s phenomenon, but its complications can be relatively severewarns the expert.

Minor complications of Raynaud’s

Idiopathic Raynaud’s phenomenon is often impressive. In reality, its complications are limited. In the very short term, once the fingers turned white (phase de vasoconstriction), then blue (venous dilatation phase) and finally red (arterial dilation phase), they can remain somewhat swollen, tender and numb. Once the blood irrigates the muscles and tissues once more, they regain their original color and mobility!

Increased risks of infections

The fingers and toes of people experiencing Raynaud’s phenomenon are particularly susceptible to infections of all kinds. On the one hand, episodes of vasoconstriction can cause skin lesions (cracks or crevices), which increases the risk of bacterial infections: small wounds serve as entry points for bacteria, particularly in the event of poor local hygiene. On the other hand, reduced blood flow can compromise the healing process, prolonging the time a wound remains open and at risk of infection. Finally, reduced blood circulation canweaken the local immune response and make the extremities more vulnerable to infections.

Watch out for skin ulcers!

Skin ulcers are one of the most feared complications of Raynaud’s syndrome. Prolonged vasoconstriction can indeed lead to ischemia, lack of oxygen supply likely to damage skin tissues and, ultimately, cause open and deep wounds in the epidermis and dermis. These sores are usually painful and take some time to heal , specifies Professor Hachulla. They are clearly favored by skin trauma such as friction or shock.

Skin atrophy and discoloration

Frequent reduction of blood flow to the skin can sometimes cause skin atrophy which results in thinning of the skin and increased fragility. Affected individuals may notice thinner skin, increased sensitivity and sometimes more visible veins. Because ? Decreased blood supply can affect collagen production. In some people, repeated episodes of vasoconstriction can also cause permanent discoloration of the skinparticularly in areas affected by episodes of vasoconstriction.

Muscle and joint damage

Even more rarely, Raynaud’s phenomenon can lead to joint and muscular complications. Those affected may face pain, stiffness and a feeling of weakness at the level of the hands and feet. So many symptoms that can limit daily mobility.

Damage to internal organs

Finally, in the most severe cases of Raynaud’s phenomenon, kidney, heart or lung problems can occur due to excessive contraction of blood vessels… In fact, people with Raynaud’s phenomenon should be particularly attentive to symptoms such as la fatigue excessive, shortness of breath, chest pain or blood in the urine!

To limit these complications, it is essential to consult a doctor. This way, you will be able to benefit from a precise diagnosis and implement effective prevention measures associated with regular medical monitoring!

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