PS Unveils Election Candidates for 2024: Ministerial Casting and Regional Leaders

2023-12-14 20:25:00

It is this Sunday that the PS will unveil the pairs (a man, a woman or the opposite) who will lead the lists for the vote on June 9, 2024. Remember that on that day, the Belgian population will be called upon to elect their representatives in the Chamber, those of the regional Parliaments and those of the European Parliament.

On Wednesday, we learned from our colleagues in Le Soir that in Brussels, the regional list would be led by the president of the Brussels federation, Ahmed Laaouej, who thus poses himself as a potential successor to Rudi Vervoort at the head of the Brussels government. As for the current French-speaking Minister of Education, Caroline Désir, she will be head of the list in Brussels for the Chamber.

The men of Hainaut

And for the others? There remain some socialist unknowns, but some already seem to be certainties. And in Hainaut, it’s clearly a men’s story. In this province, for the Chamber we expect the president of the party, Paul Magnette at the top of the list followed by the Minister of Defense, Ludivine Dedonder. In the same province, but for the Walloon Region, Thomas Dermine will be head of the list for the Charleroi-Thuin constituency. He might be followed by Özlem Özen who sits in the House today. For the Mons constituency, it is the city’s mayor, Nicolas Martin, who will lead the list. Laurent Devin, mayor of Binche and head of the PS group in the Walloon Parliament, will head the list for the Center and Bruno Lefebvre, the mayor of Ath, will do the same for the Tournai-Ath-Mouscron constituency. Rudy Demotte has decided for some time now to no longer be a candidate.

The ideal ministerial casting of the PS

In Liège, we are expecting the French-speaking Minister of the Budget and president of the Liège federation, Frédéric Daerden, at the head of the list for the Chamber. Christie Morreale, Walloon Minister of Health, should be head of the list in the Region. Still for Wallonia, Minister Christophe Collignon should draw up the list and in Verviers, we are probably waiting for André Frédéric.

In Luxembourg, Mélissa Hanus will head the list for the Walloon Parliament and Philippe Courard will lead the list for the Chamber. In the 2019 election, it was the opposite.

In Walloon Brabant, the regional list will be led by Anne Lambelin and the federal list by Dimitri Legasse who will leave the Walloon Parliament.

Dermagne, Tillieux, Luperto

Finally in Namur, the Socialist Deputy Prime Minister, Pierre-Yves Dermagne should be head of the list in the Chamber. In 2019, he was head of the PS list in the Walloon Parliament for the Dinant-Philippeville constituency. Who will replace him? Pierre-Yves Dermagne’s replacement, Eddy Fontaine, would see himself well there. For the Namur regional list, we mention the pair Eliane Tillieux-Jean-Charles Luperto who have already competed there. But this time the President of the House would be at the head of the list.

There is still the European list. The current Walloon Minister-President, Elio Di Rupo, should make the list. It comes to us that President Paul Magnette was not very keen on this option until a few months ago. He has since changed his mind. In second place we mention Karine Lalieux, current federal minister of pensions. Will Hugues Bayet, federal deputy, mayor of Farciennes and former European deputy, be first deputy? In any case, it is a scenario that he would not mind, we are told.

#elections #Belgium #heads #list #Sunday #certainties



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