Meeting of the Lower Austrian state parliament | Office of the Lower Austrian State Government, December 14, 2023

2023-12-14 19:32:04

St. Pölten (OTS/NLK) The following agenda items were addressed together with separate reporting and voting:

  • Financing of local and regional rail passenger transport services of ÖBB-Personenverkehr and Raaberbahn in Lower Austria from December 2023 (Rapporteur: MP Michael Sommer -FP).
  • Expansion of regional and long-distance traffic at night on the Vienna – St. Pölten route (Rapporteur: MP Mag. Dr. Rainer Spenger – SP).

MP Mag. Edith Kollermann (Neos) said that mobility is considered a megatrend by futurologists. It’s regarding a billion euros that will be needed over the next ten years for the expansion of infrastructure, increased frequency, etc. It’s regarding expanding the service by a third, measured in train kilometers. There should be enough mobility for the population.

MP Andreas Bors (FP) was of the opinion that there had been wrong decisions in recent years. With the new State Transport Council, the expansion of public transport is now on the right track. Many projects have been put “on track”. In the last state parliament session, the budget for 2024 was approved with a large majority and around 20 percent more public funds were made available for transport. This shows that public transport, along with road construction, is very important to the state parliament.

MP Mag. Helmut Hofer-Gruber (Neos) spoke on the § 34 application regarding night connections in St. Pölten. From his point of view, the Social Democrats had submitted a very sensible and justified proposal, which was aimed primarily at the state government and also stipulated an obligation for the responsible state council to report – they were acting within their own competences here. But that doesn’t work for the VP and a Section 34 application has been submitted with exactly the same content as the original application. It is sad that they were not in a position to approve the application and say, let’s add the Western Railway – that is not possible in Lower Austria. We continue to acknowledge this, but we will continue to criticize it.

MP Mag. Georg Ecker, MA (Greens) stated that the situation in the eastern region is currently “really catastrophic” and that he receives letters every day from people waiting for trains. The ÖBB has a contribution to make here, but the whole thing also has a political dimension, the MP emphasized that it also depends on how many trains you order, and a lot was missed here five years ago. It is thanks to Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler that things are finally going in the right direction. Regarding the night train debate, Ecker said that the Greens were of course in favor of the night train – as was the ministry – but there was a certain procedure and the night train was not put forward by the state in the timetable proposals.

MP Kathrin Schindele (SP) said that they were pleased regarding the planned investments for commuters, but at the same time the improvements should not worsen the financial situation of commuters. She spoke regarding the minister’s proposal to abolish the commuter allowance, which under no circumstances may be implemented. For many, using the car is unavoidable. The mileage allowance is not a gift either. An application calls for accompanying measures to support commuters in Lower Austria. The MP submitted a request for an amendment regarding the expansion of regional and long-distance traffic during the night on the Vienna – St. Pölten route.

MP Mag. Hubert Keyl (FP) emphasized that the problem was not that too few trains had been ordered, but that the trains ordered were arriving too late and unreliable. The country has invested massively and it cannot be the case that ÖBB is now “strolling along”. More than three million additional train kilometers have been ordered and massive investments have been made in modernizing the infrastructure and also in timing. The state of Lower Austria under Transport State Councilor Udo Landbauer has done its homework, now it is the ÖBB’s turn. We are very positive regarding the suggestions that make sense. A lot has happened on the Vienna – St. Pölten route; when it comes to night trains, we have to look at the financing with the stakeholders and the needs. He also highlighted the Western Railway on this route, with whom discussions will also be held.

MP Florian Krumböck, BA (VP) said that mobility was a big topic at yesterday’s youth climate conference. And today two billion in climate protection have been decided on for Lower Austria. The foundation for this decision was laid under State Councilor Schleritzko, and it will now be implemented under State Transport Councilor Landbauer. Unity at the federal level and with the “red-led” states helps in this area. However, there are problems with punctuality, which is regulated with penalties in the transport services contract. To the night train Vienna-St. In Pölten, he said they wanted to focus on leisure traffic and expand services on weekdays. Especially in rural regions, people are dependent on cars, which is why the Green Minister’s proposal to abolish the commuter allowance should be rejected.

MP Mag. Georg Ecker, MA (Greens) reported on a proposal with a draft law from MP Dr. Krismer-Huber, among others, regarding changes to the Lower Austrian Electricity Act 2005 (NÖ ElWG 2005). The committee’s motion is to be rejected.

MP Dr. Helga Krismer-Huber (Greens) said that the Electricity Act stipulates that no one has to be afraid that energy will be turned off. EVN received an administrative complaint from her because she did not offer the basic service tariff. She is in favor of making targeted policies, which is why she would ask not to agree to the negative motion.

MP Mag. Kerstin Suchan-Mayr (SP) explained that Austria’s basic services have existed for many years. The obligation to provide electricity is regulated by law. Energy poverty is an issue that one should not turn a blind eye to, especially in the cold season. Households affected by energy poverty spend an above-average amount of their household budget on energy. There is therefore a need for support and relief for electricity and gas customers, instead of an additional board position with a “horrendous salary.” She appeals to the FP to do something.

MP Dieter Dorner (FP) said energy is very expensive. Energy is so expensive because a lot of money will have to be invested in infrastructure in the next few years due to the federal government’s failed energy policy.

MP Josef Edlinger (VP) explained that the regulations in the Lower Austrian Electricity Act are a central task for protecting consumers and small businesses. They are important and justified. Opening up beyond this would be preferential treatment for the general public.

The motion was accepted with votes from ÖVP, FPÖ and Neos.

MP Mag. Christian Samwald (SP) reported on a motion with a draft law from MPs Prischl, Gepp, MSc, Ing. Mag. Teufel and others regarding changes to the Lower Austrian Events Act.

MP Kathrin Schindele (SP) said her speech today was positive because the change in the law was good and positive. This means that events might be handled better in the future. The application will be approved.

MP Martin Antauer (FP) stated that this law would enrich the country. Events are the heart of social coexistence. Meetings have too often been made more difficult, but thanks to the adjustments to the Events Act, celebrations might be held more easily in the future. The more clearly defined jurisdiction regulations and the new noise protection regulations are also crucial steps in establishing Lower Austria as a stage for larger and smaller events. The change is a sign of the new citizen-oriented path that Lower Austria is taking.

MP Christian Gepp, MSc (VP) said that, following the example of Styria, noise protection test criteria for events, especially at cultural events in the inner city area, were now omitted under certain conditions, adding to the multitude of positive initiatives to revitalize inner cities.

The motion was passed unanimously.

The following agenda items were dealt with together with separate reporting (each deputy Ing. Manfred Schulz – VP) and voting:

  • State law with which the Lower Austrian State Civil Servants Act (NÖ LBG), the Service Pragmatics of State Civil Servants 1972 (DPL 1972), the State Contract Employees Act (LVBG) and the Lower Austrian State Administrative Court Act (NÖ LVGG) are amended (Service Law Amendment 2023).
  • Amendment to the Lower Austrian State and Municipal Pay Act 1997.
  • Amendment to the Lower Austrian Hospital Doctors Act 1992 (NÖ SÄG 1992).

MP Mag. Helmut Hofer-Gruber (Neos) opened the debate:
It remains to be seen whether the signal is the right one. Appearances like in the Ibiza video, city councilors not in office, etc. gave the population the impression that politicians earned too much. What is needed is better pay at the top, in some cases significantly lower across the board and “zero for alibi positions”. You can save on direct, indirect and hidden party financing. The club status hurdle in the state parliament, answers to queries that are not taken seriously, etc. are “absurd”. Member of Parliament René Pfister (SP) spoke regarding the enormous improvements in the amendment to service law, for example when it comes to children’s rehabilitation stays. When it comes to the Municipal Pay Act, it is “sad that cooperation is only played and those affected are not even talked to”. The adjustment to the Hospital Doctors Act is to be welcomed. An amendment to the application regarding changes to the Lower Austrian State and Municipal Pay Act calls for a graduation to be introduced. It’s regarding transparency and honesty.

MP Mag. Edith Kollermann (Neos) said that the salary adjustment for hospital doctors should not be less than in the state administration. The doctors might neither support the construct of the state health agency nor the “blocking federalism”.

MP Jürgen Handler (FP) emphasized that the performance of the public service ensures stability and that this must be rewarded accordingly. He thanked all public servants in the state of Lower Austria for their work.

MP Christoph Kainz (VP) said that there had been good discussions in the last few weeks and months in the good tradition of social partnership. Even if the tone has become harsher, this is noticeable not only in salary negotiations, but also in society. He also thanked the state and municipal employees for their work. Today’s decisions are important and correct.

MP Mag. Helmut Hofer-Gruber (Neos) said that during the debate he had not heard from anyone that there were no privileges in the public service. He won’t let it be explained away. He noted that he had addressed various areas of public service.

The state government’s submission regarding the state law with which the Lower Austrian State Civil Servants Act (NÖ LBG), the Service Pragmatics of State Civil Servants 1972 (DPL 1972), the State Contract Employees Act (LVBG) and the Lower Austrian State Administrative Court Act (NÖ LVGG) are amended (service law amendment 2023), was adopted with votes from VP, SP, FP and Greens.

The amendment to the application in accordance with §34 LGO 2001 with a draft law from MPs Kaufmann, MAS and Antauer regarding changes to the Lower Austrian State and Municipality Pay Act 1997 did not find a majority, the main motion was accepted unanimously.

The state government’s proposal regarding changes to the Lower Austrian Hospital Doctors Act 1992 (NÖ SÄG 1992) was unanimously accepted.


Questions & Contact:

Office of the Lower Austrian State Government
State Office Directorate/Public Relations
Mag. Christian Salzmann

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