Selenium Supplementation and Cancer Recovery: Expert Insights from NOW Health

2023-12-13 01:01:38

[NOW Health Lin Yumin/Taipei Report]According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, cancer still ranks first among the top 10 causes of death in the country. Advances in medical technology have indeed improved the chances of survival for cancer patients, making cancer a chronic disease. However, during chemotherapy and radiotherapy, The various side effects produced also make patients miserable. In order to enable cancer patients to obtain better quality of life and prognosis, timely supplementation of active selenium will make cancer patients no longer have to face difficulties on the road to fighting cancer.

The cause of cancer comes from inheriting less than 10% active selenium that blocks the growth environment of cancer cells.

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Cancer treatment mainly consists of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The appropriate method is selected according to the type, location and stage of the cancer.裕仁診所整合醫療中心院長謝琇芳醫師表示,開刀對體力耗損很大,傷口可能形成疤痕組織進而影響淋巴循環,腹部手術後可能形成組織沾黏,影響腸子蠕動,造成腹痛甚至腸道阻塞;頭頸癌常見的治療方式為放療,副作用包括照射部位發紅、脫屑,甚至潰爛,毛髮稀疏脫落,以及唾液減少、吞嚥困難;很多患者害怕化療,因為化療雖能殺死癌細胞,同時也會破壞造血細胞和消化道黏膜,造成嘴破不易癒合、噁心嘔吐、腹瀉便秘、掉髮、指甲變脆、皮膚起疹,引發手麻腳麻、肝腎功能變差、心臟毒性和疲倦不堪等症狀,嚴重影響生活quality.

Dr. Xie Xiufang pointed out that in the development of functional medicine in China in recent years, special attention has been paid to epigenetics. His research shows that less than 10% of the causes of cancer come from genetic genes, while others include environmental factors, diet, lifestyle habits, sleep, stress and unhealthy habits. Intestinal flora, etc., may affect the expression of genes and provide an environment for the growth of cancer cells. Studies have found that the trace element selenium can cause the apoptosis of cancer cells that are constantly dividing and proliferating, and can also inhibit the growth of degenerated cells. In addition, selenium can also promote the activation of T cells, detect and eliminate carcinogens and derived cancer cells.

Improve side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, selenium nutritional drip and precise supplementation to help restore physical strength

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Dr. Xie Xiufang explained that cancer cells like an oxygen-deprived, low-temperature and acidic environment, and selenium is a necessary nutrient for the production and activation of thyroxine. The thyroid gland is closely related to the production of energy in our body. If the thyroid function is low, it is easy to feel tired, afraid of cold, and have a low body temperature. , if the selenium content in the body is normal, the production and function of thyroxine will also be normal, which can change the microenvironment suitable for cancer cells to grow at low temperature.

In addition, selenium can also make the heart function normally and avoid the harm caused by free radicals in a hypoxic environment; and selenium can improve fatigue caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, damage to the oral and gastrointestinal mucosa, and toxicity to the heart, liver, and kidneys. Damage repair, etc., are obviously helpful.

Foreign studies have found that the selenium concentration in the blood of cancer patients is usually relatively low. Group tests have found that supplementing the selenium concentration is sufficient, which is helpful for survival time and quality of life. The absorption rate of oral administration varies from person to person, and the activity can be accurately supplemented through nutritional drips. Selenium helps restore physical strength following chemotherapy and relieves the discomfort of chemotherapy.

As for the care of cancer patients, emotions also play a very important role. Keep a happy mood, get enough sleep, and focus on supplementing protein and adequate nutrients such as active selenium or vitamins. Eat less refined sugar and processed foods, and add family Support is beneficial to cancer patients in their anti-cancer treatment and helps speed up repair.

Dr. Xie Xiufang further explained that since the human body cannot synthesize selenium on its own, additional active selenium is needed to maintain health. Selenium supplementation can effectively form 25 kinds of selenoproteins in the human body, which play important and key roles in various systems of the human body, such as antioxidant , reproduction, detoxification, thyroid hormone metabolism, immune regulation, virus suppression and other functions, such as the most famous glutathione peroxidase, which is a selenoprotein and is the body’s first line of defense once morest free radicals. The most important antioxidant enzyme is also an important player in promoting liver detoxification.

These foods all contain selenium. Specific groups can supplement oral selenium nutrients.

How to supplement selenium trace elements? For your daily diet, you can choose foods with high selenium content, such as nuts (especially Brazil nuts, not more than 2 at a time), oysters, tuna and other seafood. Vegetables with high selenium content include garlic, fungus, and pumpkin. Along with tomatoes, it is also found in eggs, tofu, general meat, animal offal and other foods. It is recommended to have a balanced intake at ordinary times. However, dietary intake of selenium alone is limited, so oral selenium supplements may also be considered.

Dr. Xie Xiufang specially reminded that if you have poor immunity and are prone to colds, or are not easily cured of colds, are diagnosed with COVID-19, have a cold that turns into bronchitis or pneumonia, have chronic fatigue, metabolic syndrome, and other sub-healthy groups, it is recommended to supplement selenium nutrients at the recommended daily intake. No more than 200 micrograms; for those with more severe symptoms, it is recommended to go to a medical institution for diagnosis and advice from a doctor.

# Source of the first picture/provided by Dr. Xie Xiufang

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