Chinese Academy of Sciences’ New Anti-Aircraft Missile System: Effective Countermeasures Against Variable Orbit Missiles

2023-12-14 03:46:58

When President Tsai Ing-wen met with the winners of the first National Defense Science and Technology Contribution Award today (14th), she revealed that the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ research and development of missile weapon systems has successfully passed the initial operational evaluation and can effectively counter missiles that change orbits. This development allows Taiwan’s air defense weapon system to keep pace with advanced countries. In addition to enhancing its independent national defense capabilities, it also improves the effectiveness of air defense operations.

Tsai Ing-wen met with the winners of the “Executive Yuan National Defense Science and Technology Contribution Award 2023” in the morning. First, she congratulated Lin Juncun, director of the System Development Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences team for winning the first “Executive Yuan National Defense Science and Technology Contribution Award.” She said that over the years, the government has actively promoted national defense independence, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has led national defense science and technology research and development, combined with the industrial standards of domestic industry, academia and research institutions, to drive the development of the national defense industry and complete the supply chain.

Tsai Ing-wen pointed out that Director Lin and all partners play a very important role in this. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, many key technologies have been overcome in the development of missile weapon systems, and they have successfully passed the initial combat evaluation and can effectively counter missiles with changing orbits. This progress allows our air defense weapon systems to keep pace with advanced countries. In addition to enhancing our national defense independent capabilities, it also improves the effectiveness of air defense operations.

Tsai Ing-wen said that with everyone’s teamwork, the Tiangong III weapon system has also achieved breakthrough development, not only achieving mass production deployment, but also shortening the acquisition period, reducing costs, and promoting the development of domestic industries and employment opportunities. These tasks are full of challenges and require a lot of patience and persistence to complete. They are really not easy.

Finally, Tsai Ing-wen once once more thanked Director Lin and every partner in the team for their dedication, and hoped that through this award, more outstanding talents would be inspired to invest in national defense scientific research and promote industrial development. I believe that in the future, with the joint cooperation of all parties, the pace of national defense independence will become more and more stable. “Let us work together to protect national security.”

The visiting guests were accompanied by Wu Zhengzhong, Executive Yuan Councilor and Chairman of the National Science and Technology Commission, and Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng. They came to the Presidential Palace to pay a visit to the President. Gu Lixiong, Secretary-General of the National Security Council, was also present.

Tsai Ing-wen revealed the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ new anti-aircraft missile: effective countermeasures once morest variable orbit missiles

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