The Guild Council’s Decision: Mac Master President in 2024, Sánchez in 2025

2023-12-14 05:26:15

The “guild of guilds” reached a consensus decision. After a competitive election between Camilo Sánchez, from Andesco; and Bruce Mac Master, from Andi, in the end the representatives of the 32 unions that make up the Guild Council agreed that one would have the Presidency in 2024, and the other, in 2025.

Mac Master will go first and Sánchez later

The formula seeks to send a signal of unity among the unions in the face of pressure from politicians and the government that was especially intense in this election. Both from Germán Vargas Lleras, from Cambio Radical, to push Mac Master, and from government officials, to the edge of the election, for Sánchez.

The meeting, at the Bogotá Jockey Club, lasted regarding five hours. The high tension generated by the election, which Sánchez had called “the dirtiest in history,” was finally defined in a smaller meeting, between the candidates and their formulas, Jorge Bedoya, from the SAC, and Nicolás Botero, from Fedesecurity. They lasted regarding an hour behind closed doors with the mediation of Carlos Garay, from Asoplásticas. Sánchez, from the public services union, agreed to postpone his aspiration, without going to a vote, and assume the presidency within a year, in 2025.

Why does it matter?

The president of the Guild Council is one of the most influential spokespersons for the private sector. Next year the fate of the health, pension and labor reforms of Gustavo Petro’s government will be defined. Sánchez presented a proposal for proactive dialogue with the government, while Mac Master’s was for firmer positions in defending the interests of the private sector once morest the government’s reforms.

To find out who Bruce Mac Master is, an economist and businessman from Cartagena, this is his profile.

#Bruce #Mac #Master #president #Guild #Council



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