Two cases were confirmed in Río Negro and the number could increase

2023-12-13 00:04:34

At the end of November, Senasa established a state of emergency in our country due to the spread of Equine Encephalomyelitis. In Río Negro there were four suspected cases and during this day two deaths from this disease were confirmed.

These are two cases in Viedma which have already been confirmed by the national body. At the beginning of this month, samples of cerebrospinal fluid and brain had been sent due to the suspicion of the Alphavirus outbreak.

They are a horse and a mare from the Idevi farm area who in the first days of December presented symptoms compatible with Equine Encephalomyelitis. Is regarding a viral disease that is transmitted from birds to mosquitoes, and these in turn infect horses. The incubation period of the disease – that is, the time from infection until clinical signs appear – is 5 to 14 days.

The samples they take for the laboratory are from those horses that have died at the moment. and they are carried out by the INTA of Castellar and the National University of Córdoba. However, the other category of suspects that are not confirmed by laboratory, but by clinical symptoms, are increasing.

Hay two suspected cases that had the same symptoms as those in the Rio Negro capital and are found in Belisle and Valle Azul. At the moment it was not confirmed, since the samples were sent.

Suspected cases are added in Río Negro and the figure is expected to increase. We will have to wait for the official data.

Symptoms begin to be detected when horses present a neurological condition with different signs, such as wandering, hyperexcitation, depression, hyperthermia and recumbency mainly.

Senasa had reported a few days ago that in relation to the availability of vaccineswe are working with veterinary product chambers and laboratories to increase the number of vaccines, to prioritize their shipment to the areas where there is the greatest presence of the disease.

Preventions and recommendations

– Mosquito control. It is essential to prevent the spread of the disease and contagion to horses and people. Take into account the application to animals and the environment of products authorized by Senasa.

-The vaccination of horses once morest this disease. To this end, Senasa is coordinating with the Veterinary Products chambers in order to have the availability and distribution of the greatest number of vaccines in the shortest time possible.

-Immediately notify Senasa in the presence of nervous signs in horses.

-Reduce equine movements to the minimum possible.

-Avoid concentrations or events that involve concentration of horses.

-Complete the equine vaccination schedule.

Senasa also calls on the different actors related to equine production and health to strengthen and deepen the periodic clinical review of equines. In addition, he asked to take extreme biosafety measures, avoiding the movement of animals and people between stables and establishments and applying hygiene and disinfection measures with special attention to the management of arthropods as possible vectors of the disease.

If there are changes in behavior or unusual behavior in horses, notify Senasa. going to the nearest office; sending a WhatsApp to 11 5700 5704; through the “Senasa Notifications” App for mobile devices, available in the Play Store; by writing an email to: or through the Notify Senasa section of the Agency’s website.

#cases #confirmed #Río #Negro #number #increase



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